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Belgrade Media Report 13 July


• Long-standing constructive partnership between Serbia, OSCE (RTS/Tanjug/Politika)
• Selakovic: OSCE most reliable status-neutral presence in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)
• Brnabic with Italian Ambassador on cooperation and support to Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)
• Selakovic: We know our path, does Brussels know what it wants (TV Pink)
• Pristina not ready to take issue of missing from politics (RTV/Tanjug)
• Zorana and Hill against Vulin (Novosti)
• Petkovic banned again entrance into Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)
• Dveri presents first two parliamentary initiatives (Tanjug/RTV)
• Jeremic: People’s Party won’t have consultations with Vucic, public or secret (Beta/Danas)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Sattler publishes blog: Too many choose the path of escalating, rather than calming tensions (Oslobodjenje)
• Bijeljina District Prosecutor’s Office: Removal of photos of killed Serbs set along road Bratunac-Potocari ordered due to safety of traffic (ATV)
• Vuksanovic-Stankovic: Abazovic ended his political career (Dnevni avaz)
• Anniversary of killing of Serbs in Zalazje marked on Tuesday; Serb officials, victims’ families: No one held responsible for crime (ATV)
• Indictees in Dobrovoljacka case plead not guilty (Nova BH)
• German officials Luhrmann, Sarrazin and Uebber underline Germany’s support to B&H (Oslobodjenje)
• Dodik says he will impose sanctions on himself so that Germany would not have to bother with it (Nezavisne)
• Sarrazin: We no longer believe B&H politicians (Dnevni list)
• Podzic meets Ahmetovic in Sarajevo; Ahmetovic states there is possibility that NATO engages in B&H if Russia vetoes extension of EUFOR’s mandate (Nova BH)
• Reactions to Schmidt’s statement about history textbooks (N1/BHT1)
• Plenkovic: Montenegro has made biggest progress towards joining EU (Hina)
• Croatian parliament speaker receives Montenegrin PM (Hina)
• Montenegro celebrates 13 July – Statehood Day (CDM)
• Abazovic: Anyone can require the review of the Fundamental Agreement by the Constitutional Court (CdM)
• Djukanovic: Abazovic assured us that there will be no vote, who put a "knife under his throat" to approve the contract with the SPC the day before the session of the Holy Synod (TVCG)
• Warning signs: Europeans doubt political legitimacy of the government (Pobjeda)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Macedonian people, come out, preserve our language and identity – said the citizens at yesterday’s protest (Republika/Kanal 5)
• Osmani: Bulgaria will vote for a framework in which the Macedonian language will be clear (TV Sitel)
• SDSM accepts the French proposal (Republika)
• Russia rejects Pendarovksi's claims of involvement in protests in Skopje (TV 21)
• Albania poised to green-light new NATO naval base in huge warning to Putin (Radio Tirana)
• Balla in Athens: The holding of first intergovernmental conference next week is good news (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 12 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 12 July 2022


• Vucic: Peace and stability in Western Balkans a priority (FoNet)
• Mutual support of Serbia, Republika Srpska in terms of market supply (Tanjug/RTS)
• Embassy of Serbia in Ghana opens to promote bilateral relations (Tanjug/Politika)
• Decades of sincere friendship between Serbia, Ghana (Tanjug)
• Gojkovic: Pristina trying to falsify history (Tanjug/RTV)
• Lajcak: Several agreements to be considered between Pristina and Belgrade (Beta)
• Drecun: What is he basing his optimism on (RTS)
• Petkovic: Pristina does not want dialogue (RTV/Tanjug)
• Lajcak: Use of Bonn powers is ridiculous 27 years after the war (Nedeljnik)
• US Embassy: Vulin’s statement on unification of all Serbs contrary to Serbia’s EU path (Beta/Politika)
• US urges Serbia again to resolve Bytyqi brothers case (Beta)
• Visoki Decani: Pristina is cheating with the story of the protection of monasteries (B92/Tanjug)
• Forum: Srebrenica genocide has been denied in various forms for 27 years (Beta)
• RIK approves new MPs (Beta/Politika)
• Open Balkans Initiative is getting more and more support in B&H, Montenegro, and Kosovo (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• International conference ‘Heroines of Srebrenica’ organized (FTV)
• Bosniak councilors boycott commemorative session of Srebrenica Municipal Assembly, stressing that people who deny genocide are behind invitation to attend session (N1)
• Izetbegovic: An individual is responsible for every atrocity; There were too many of these individuals (O Kanal)
• Dzaferovic: 11 July is saddest day in year (O Kanal)
• Zvizdic: It is necessary to accept historic truth about all war crimes (O kanal)
• Covic: I stand with all those who lost their beloved ones (Nova BH)
• Ambassador Sattler: We must never forget Srebrenica victims (Dnevni avaz)
• Blinken pays respect to Srebrenica genocide victims: US stands in steadfast partnership and friendship with B&H (AJB)
• HR Schmidt: Srebrenica is synonym for genocide (Dnevni avaz)
• Borrell, Varhelyi issue joint statement on occasion of Srebrenica genocide anniversary: There is no place in Europe for genocide denial, revisionism, and glorification of war criminals (Dnevni avaz)
• Fiala states Srebrenica genocide is considered one of biggest war crimes in Europe since World War II (BHT1)
• Ollongren underlines that international community and Dutch government failed in 1995 when it comes to Srebrenica, and she offered apology to all victims, mothers and survivors (Nova BH)
• Linde: We must take joint action to ensure that genocides and other mass crimes never happen anywhere again (N1)
• Erdogan: Securing the future of B&H as the strong and prosperous country, within its territorial integrity, is our debt toward Shaheeds (Dnevni avaz)
• UN’s Nderitu warns that denial of genocide and holocaust is only preparation for future genocides and holocausts (Hayat)
• Rau on Srebrenica genocide: Crimes like this one must not go unpunished (N1)
• Dzaferovic, Murphy honor victims of Srebrenica genocide: Murphy: Facts must be accepted and that is that genocide was committed (FTV)
• HR Schmidt announcing engagement in relation to history textbooks in B&H sparks strong reactions in RS (RTRS)
• Bundestag adopts resolution on B&H and allows deploying of German soldiers to EUFOR (Oslobodjenje)
• Plenkovic: Srebrenica genocide was defeat of humanity (HRT1)
• Parliament expresses deep sympathy with victims of genocide in Srebrenica (HRT)
• 15th Dubrovnik Forum opened; Lajcak says Brussels has to complete unfinished job re European integration of region (HRT/Vecernji list)
• Covic’s interview: FB&H cannot survive as functional part of B&H without strong trust between Croats and Bosniaks (Vecernji list)
• Montenegrin government adopts Fundamental Agreement with Serbian Orthodox Church (CdM)
• Djukanovic: Government fall could slow down path to EU, but we can’t tolerate its work that ignores national interests (CdM)
• DPS Presidency decides: We deny support to Abazovic’s government, we’re committed to processes that lead Montenegro to EU membership (CdM)
• Abazovic: I welcome DPS decision, we’ll see what position of majority of MPs will be (CdM)
• Djukanovic: Policies of denying crimes and refusing to recognize genocide in Srebrenica have never stopped in these areas (RTCG)
• Montenegrin Metropolitan Mihailo: Serb people are not genocidal, but their leaders are (N1)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Eighth day of protests against French proposal (Republika)
• VMRO-DPMNE to participate in coordination meeting in parliament: The only request is to return the French proposal to the government (Republika)
• Pendarovski: Let’s accept the proposal (TV21)
• Srebrenica Massacre/ Meta: Condemning genocide denial efforts, road to regional cooperation (Radio Tirana)
• The New European Political Community, Albania and the Netherlands with a joint proposal (Radio Tirana)
• Dutch Prime Minister: If North Macedonia does not accept the French proposal, Albania should continue its journey alone (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 7 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Thursday 7 July 2022


• Vucic: Serbia will not align with EU’s foreign policy regarding sanctions against Russia, mutual recognition with Kosovo (RTS)
• Vucic: Some MEPs tried to break off Serbia's EU talks (Tanjug/N1)
• Bilcik: EP’s resolution not to clash with Serbia’s EU accession (Beta)
• Vucic thanks Jesus on support for Serbia’s sovereignty (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)
• Serbia's aid to Republic of Sao Tome and Principe for flood rehabilitation (Politika/Tanjug)
• Ponos: Removing SNS from power is not a done job but the first step (N1)
• ROSU members raid Strpce, block the municipality and search a school (RTS)
• Anniversary of unpunished KLA crime against Pec police officers (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• B&H Constitutional Court issues interim measure, rendering RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, Law on RS Administration temporary ineffective (N1/BHT1)
• OHR welcomes B&H CC’s decision (
• B&H CC’s decision to temporarily suspend RS Law on Medical Products causes harsh reactions of politicians of RS ruling parties (BHT1/BNTV/FTV)
• Borenovic criticizes Dodik for carrying on with SNSD’s game of restoring competences (BHT1/BNTV)
• Covic: It is not my place to comment on decisions of B&H CC or any other judicial institution in B&H (BHT1)
• SDA, SNSD, HDZ B&H leaders meet with Varhelyi in separate meetings (Nova BH/BHT1)
• Dodik: Meeting with Varhelyi has shown there is attempt to conceive entirely new agenda in political sense and that could be useful (RTRS)
• European Parliament adopts report on B&H for 2021 (FTV)
• Komsic: Constituent status and corruption are two peas in a pod (Oslobodjenje)
• RS parliament adopts set of laws aimed at increasing salaries to budget users by BAM 100 (BHT1)
• Citizens protest in Sarajevo over authorities’ unsatisfactory reaction to economic situation in B&H (BHT1)
• Citizens protest in Tuzla, Mostar, Bihac and Zenica (BHT1/BNTV)
• Ruling majority’s meeting: Issue discussed is Fundamental Agreement with SPC (CdM)
• Abazovic calls out Konjevic and Krivokapic: It doesn’t even cross my mind to fall under pressure of a group of extremists within government (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski: If this proposal is accepted, complete assimilation is accepted and a tool for Bulgaria to block Macedonia whenever it wants (Republika)
• Mickoski: With a smart, rational approach, the “French proposal” can be changed (Republika)
• Nikoloski: Our positions are clear, we demand Macedonian language without any explanations (Republika)
• People deal with provocateurs, stop violence on their own! (Republika)
• The person whom Mickoski claims planned to kill him has been detained (Republika)
• Integration/ Dutch Prime Minister: If North Macedonia does not accept the French proposal, Albania should continue its journey alone (Radio Tirana)
• Balla meets the Bulgarian Ambassador Momchil Raytchevski: We strengthen the relations between our countries (Radio Tirana)
• Srebrenica Massacre, Balla: 11 July should be declared Genocide Remembrance Day (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 6 July


• Selakovic: Serbia has strong leadership, preconditions for maintaining peace (TV Happy/Tanjug)
• Joint initiative of Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Turkey for development of rail transport (Tanjug/RTV)
• Hill: Much work to be done in bilateral relations between Serbian, US in the next 140 years (Beta)
• EP adopts resolution on Serbia, demanding it imposes sanctions against Russia (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Serbia no longer in focus of EU attention (
• Students of Serbian nationality in Bujanovac get certificates in Albanian (N1)
• GRECO urges Serbia to implement further anti-corruption measures (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• RS politicians criticize Schmidt for his statement on decision of B&H CC re RS Law on Medicinal Products that will be passed on Wednesday; Kovacevic: B&H CC is extended arm of OHR (RTRS)
• Dodik, Covic and Izetbegovic set to hold separate meetings with Varhelyi (ATV)
• Komsic calls Izetbegovic and Becirovic to sign statement that Covic cannot be B&H CoM Chair; Karamatic slams Komsic, says he is counting on ‘anti-Croat votes of Muslims’ (Nezavisne)
• EU Council Political and Security Committee reps meet Dzaferovic and stress EU is serious re EU integration perspective for B&H (Hayat)
• EP discusses situation in B&H at plenary session; Rangel says there are two obstacles to progress of B&H on EU path (N1)
• Milanovic: Everything I did in Madrid was for Croat interests in B&H (Dnevni list)
• Grlic Radman compares situation in Northern Ireland and B&H (Vecernji list)
• MEPs adopt report on Croatia meeting the criteria for joining the Eurozone (HRT1)
• Metropolitan Mihailo: I will not sign a contract in which the CPC does not guarantee service in Montenegrin shrines; Abazovic’s response to Metropolitan Mihailo: Govt and CPC to sign Fundamental Agreement (CdM/Standard)
• Djukanovic on Fundamental Agreement with SPC: I expect that the govt will make a decision in the state interest of Montenegro (CdM)
• Krivokapic on the Fundamental Agreement: The government must return to its European path, if there is no such thing - the only answer is elections (CdM)
• Protest in front of govt: Such text of Fundamental Agreement does damage to all citizens (CdM)
• Michel to Djukanovic: Strengthening our relations precious for both Montenegro and EU (CdM)
• Abazovic with Pompeo: We are promoting the policies of the future and raising the international reputation of Montenegro (CdM)
• UK's commitment to European integration process of Western Balkans encouraging (CdM)
• Abazovic: EU to neutralize Russia's influence in the Western Balkans (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• First meeting of working groups over French proposal set to be held in parliament (Republika)
• Michel: This is not a take it or leave it situation (Sitel TV)
• Kovacevski-Michel: Strong support in fulfilment of strategic goal – full-fledged EU membership (Republika)
• Dimitrov: In the end we will all be losers – instead of a strong state in the EU, we will have a divided, unstable state (Republika)
• Police arrest protesters (Republika)
• Rama strongly supports the Open Balkans process in the Netherlands (Radio Tirana)
• The Minister of Finland and the Minister of Ireland visit Tirana: Optimists for the integration of Albania in the EU (Radio Tirana)
• PES supports European ambitions of Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)
• Meta meets Pahor: Slovenia strongly supports the opening of membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 5 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 5 July 2022


• Vucic: UAE visit will strengthen friendship between the two nations (RTS)
• Petkovic: Pristina wants to stop negotiations with the term “enforced disappearances” (Tanjug/RTV)
• Drecun: Pristina jeopardizing dialogue, Vucic-Kurti meeting (Tanjug)
• Final results of Serbian parliamentary elections released (Tanjug)
• RIK: Election process completed, countdown starts for parliament formation (RTS/Beta)
• No complaints in fifth revote in Veliki Trnovac (Bujanovacke/Beta)
• Report says Serbian media landscape heavily polarized (N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Deadline for submitting candidate lists for general elections expires; Politicians express their expectations from October elections (O Kanal)
• Dodik says whoever wins majority in FB&H will continue same national policy and their goal will be destroying of RS (Nezavisne)
• Kovacevic: We expect absolute victory at all levels, independent majority in RS parliament (ATV)
• HR Schmidt: There may be some developments this week in Brussels regarding Election Law agreement (N1)
• Abazovic with EU ambassadors in Montenegro: We resolve difficult issues immediately without any reservations or conditions (CdM)
• Hrebickova: Open Balkans and agreement with the Church of Serbia are not Montenegro's priorities on the way to the EU (Gradska RTV)
• Vujovic: The partners clearly say that if the negotiations with the SPC are more important than the negotiations with the EU, elect a new government (CdM)
• Vuksanovic Stankovic: No one in Montenegro has ever declared that Serbia is a genocidal state, that is part of political manipulation (
• Celanovic: Citizens' protest in front of the Government is justified, we once again call on the state-forming parties to deny support to Abazovic (CdM)
• Djukanovic: Montenegro has a lot to learn from tourism development of San Marino (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Osmani: If we say “no”, inter-ethnic tensions will start and we will have food and energy crisis (Republika)
• Macedonian Orthodox Church is against the French proposal, but does not go out to protest (Republika)
• Nikoloski: We will not allow constitutional changes! (TV Alfa)
• Today’s protest will start earlier – at 12h, when the session for the non-Macedonian proposal is scheduled (Republika)
• The European proposal is available on the government's website (Libertas)
• The EC will present details about the Macedonian language in the Frontex agreement as soon as possible (Libertas/MIA)
• Rama appeals to Skopje: Accept the French proposal! We will ask decoupling if you refuse (Radio Tirana/Canale 5)
• Albanian delegation takes part in the proceedings of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (Radio Tirana)