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Belgrade Media Report 16 June


• Vucic: We see Turkey as strong partner (Tanjug/RTS)
• Dacic: Cooperation with Turkey at high level (RTV/FoNet)
• Mutual recognition with Pristina not our desire, Vucic says on EP report (Tanjug/Politika)
• Petkovic: So-called “mutual recognition” cannot be part of dialogue (RTV/RTS/Tanjug)
• Stefanovic visits Dassault Aviation development center (Tanjug/Politika)
• Tolkach: Most important thing is to stop the war (RTS)
• Serbian elementary school stoned in Vucitrn municipality (Beta/Politika/Novosti)
• Appeal of Albanian Coalition on elections before Administrative Court (N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Dodik to hold meetings with Putin, Lavrov in St. Petersburg; Dodik comments on his upcoming meetings and issue of sanctions against Russia (ATV)
• Perovic: Dodik's participation at Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, where he will meet with Putin and other statesmen, is extremely important (Nezavisne)
• B&H House of Peoples adopts amendments to B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H; Covic says if amendments to B&H Election Law are passed in B&H HoR as well, changes will be applicable to general elections (Nova BH)
• HNS welcomes adoption of amendments to B&H Election Law in B&H HoP (Nezavisne)
• Asselborn says EU must not forget and neglect B&H which is important for stability of entire Western Balkans (Nova BH)
• Kovacevic: Opposition tries to justify not signing agreement in Brussels, which nobody signed (RTRS)
• Brussels agreement will not be implemented, and political leaders will use it in their election campaign (Oslobodjenje)
• Stoltenberg announces debate on how to improve support to partner countries at risk due to Russian influence, including B&H and Georgia (FTV)
• German government approves deployment of 50 troops to join the EUFOR’s Operation Althea in B&H (Nova BH)
• Milanovic criticizes Schmidt for not invoking Bonn Powers to impose amendments to B&H Election Law (Nova)
• Croatian FM looking forward to opening EU-N. Macedonia entry talks soon (Hina)
• Abazovic: We are witnessing the hell of war destruction; we are praying for peace and we stand firmly with the citizens of Ukraine (CdM)
• Abazovic: Ukraine defends Europe from negative breakthrough, we have made Montenegro an important diplomatic player in the world (CdM)
• Abazovic with the Prime Minister of Ukraine: Stay strong in the fight for the freedom of your citizens (CdM)
• Jokovic: Open Balkans one step further on the road to the EU; Maddox: It is important for the United Kingdom to be committed to strengthening Euro-Atlantic unity (CdM)
• Djurovic: Montenegro will opt for the Open Balkans in accordance with the European agenda (CdM)
• Rakocevic: Open Balkans an alternative to the European path; Kordic: It is not good to return to the policy of isolation (Pobjeda)
• Djukanovic: Western Balkans in Europe are in the interest of both Balkans and EU (CdM)
• Szijjarto: It is a shame that Montenegro is still not a member of the EU (RTCG)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Genchovska: Petkov promised Varhelyi he would lift Macedonia veto (Republika/BGNES)
• Macron’s proposal becomes a reality: EU “Second League”, which will include Macedonia, will be formed this year (Republika/Jutarnji list)
• Prespa Forum Dialogue begins in Ohrid: Milanovic, Djukanovic, Pahor among speakers (Republika)
• Croatia’s Foreign Minister pays visit to Skopje (Republika)
• Petrovska at meeting of NATO Defense Ministers in Brussels (Republika)
• Nikoloski: The biggest gathering so far will be held on Saturday, which should end the rule of SDSM and DUI (TV Sonce)
• Rama meets Ukrainian Prime Minister: You should reconsider the recognition of Kosovo, because those people deserve it (Radio Tirana)
• Rama: We will reconstruct a block of flats in Irpin! Zelensky: We are not rivals on the road to the EU (Radio Tirana)
• Rama on Albania-NM negotiations opening/ If nothing happens in June, we will seek decoupling (Radio Tirana/

Belgrade Media Report 15 June


• Vucic: Serbia on EU path but must look after its interests (Tanjug/Politika)
• Popovic: Complete failure of Mechanism in cases on Kosovo and Metohija (Politika/RTS)
• Petkovic with Greek Ambassador: Pristina hinders continuation of dialogue (RTV/Tanjug)
• Gratitude to France for supporting Serbia’s EU integration (Tanjug/RTV)
• Cooperation with UN in achieving concrete results in field of sustainable development (Tanjug)
• New round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to be held next week (Tanjug)
• Bilcik: Serbia has to make a choice (N1)
• Schieb: The catalogue of obligations is clear (N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Dodik meets with Cavusoglu in Istanbul to discuss infrastructure projects, economic cooperation and political challenges related to Ukrainian crisis (RTRS)
• AFET adopts report on B&H, condemning secessionist activities of RS and calling on political leaders in B&H to move their focus on EU integration (O Kanal)
• Novakovic Bursac: B&H should stay neutral about Ukraine, AFET report on B&H is expected (Glas Srpske)
• Izetbegovic: Brussels Agreement is good; Dodik will return to pro-EU policy, Covic focuses on B&H Election Law (Hayat)
• US Embassy to B&H says those who fail to fulfil promises given in Brussels should be called to responsibility; Analyst Kuzmanovic claims USA and EU have no sincere will to do anything concrete in B&H (EuroBlic)
• Covic: Unitary state cannot come to life; Most European officials do not buy story about civic state (Dnevni list)
• NATO Parliamentary Assembly delegation expresses deep concern over internal crisis after visiting B&H last week (Dnevni list)
• Schmidt: Legitimate representation is demonstrated in elections (HRT1)
• Brammertz: Croatia unwilling to prosecute crimes against Serbs and Muslims (AJB)
• Covic: I believe that there is way to implement B&H CC’s decision on filling HoP by foreign intervention; Bosniak parties will do everything to get six delegates and fully take over the FB&H and expel Croats from the authority (Vecernji list)
• Djukanovic: Western Balkans EU membership is a geopolitical investment in global peace and stability (CdM)
• Abazovic with Michel: We are leading Montenegro to the EU (CdM)
• Abazovic arrives in Kiev: Montenegro will continue to help Ukraine in this difficult time and humanitarian catastrophe (CdM)
• Rama and Abazovic arrive in Kiev to hold a meeting with Zelensky (Radio Tirana)
• Kim with President Begaj: US looks forward to continuing the excellent cooperation with you! (Radio Tirana)
• Xhacka leads UN session with regional organizations, EU part of the meeting (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 14 June


• Vucic: I am advocating territorial integrity as much as West is (RTV/Tanjug)
• Vucic meets with Schallenberg (Tanjug/RTS)
• Continuation of Austria’s support to European integration of Serbia (RTS/Tanjug)
• Improving friendly, partner relations with Austria (Tanjug/RTS)
• Selakovic: Serbia cannot be against someone who respects its territorial integrity (Politika/Tanjug)
• Stefanovic with French Defense Minister Lecornu (RTV)
• Twenty-third anniversary of Battle of Kosare marked (Politika)
• Office for Kosovo and Metohija accuses Pristina of systemic attacks on Serbs (Beta)
• EP foreign affairs committee adopts Serbia report (Tanjug/RTS)
• SNS Belgrade Committee unanimously supports Sapic for mayor (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Michel: Most B&H political party leaders agreed on political agreement on strong and credible roadmap for implementation of reforms in B&H with goal of advancing towards European future (BN TV/FTV)
• FB&H political leaders comment agreement reached in Brussels on Sunday (Hayat)
• Dzaferovic: Brussels political agreement is good for B&H because it contributes to stabilization of situation and B&H's European path (Hayat)
• Covic says form of meeting in Brussels is futile; Agreement acceptable with two amendments (RTRS)
• Radoncic: It is good agreement is reached but it is non-binding (FTV)
• RS officials react to meeting of B&H parliamentary parties with Michel (BHT1)
• Nesic: Brussels agreement envisages respecting of court judgements including B&H CC (BHT1)
• Cvijanovic on Brussels meeting: I regret leaders of some opposition parties use this for political outwitting (RTRS)
• International reactions to Brussels agreement (Dnevni list/Dnevni avaz/BHT1)
• Milanovic and Plenkovic say they understand why Covic refused to attend meeting in Brussels (Nova)
• Abazovic: Recipe to improve future of Western Balkan – talk less about past, more about future (RTCG)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Kovacevski meets Erdogan: We are two allied countries, which have traditionally nurtured excellent bilateral relations for a long time (Libertas)
• Osmani: It is disappointing that the majority of citizens in Macedonia support Russia (Libertas)
• Three messages of the Chancellor in the Balkans! (ADN)
• Albania officially requests to join the EU Defense Mechanism (Radio Tirana)
• Director of FBI for the first time receives Director of Albanian police Nano (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 13 June


• Vucic: We never heard request for mutual recognition before (RTS/Politika/Tanjug)
• Scholz: Germany expects EU membership candidates to join Russia sanctions (Tanjug/Politika)
• Mitsotakis: Western Balkans should join EU by 2033 (RTS/Tanjug)
• Petkovic with Hill and McDowell on Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTV/RTS/Tanjug)
• Djuric: Relations between Serbia and the United States constantly on the rise (Politika)
• Hill: Serbia needs to think where its future is and whether neutral position is sustainable (RTS/Tanjug)
• Nikodijevic re-elected as Belgrade City Assembly speaker (N1)
• Members of We Must coalition establish political organization (Beta)
• Jeremic: Reports about Trojan horse not surprising (Beta)
• Yishu: Serbia has right to choose partners on its own (Politika)
• Open borders for Open Balkans (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Dodik, Tegeltija, RS officials extend greetings on occasion of Day of Russia – 12 June (RTRS)
• B&H political leaders meet Michel in Brussels, most leaders accept offered political agreement (Dnevni avaz)
• Dodik tells Borrell RS is committed to peace and EU path; I will not allow any political document to be signed that qualifies conflicts in Ukraine in any way (RTRS)
• Nesic explains why he rejected joint statement at meeting with Michel; Borenovic comments on the meeting in Brussels (Dnevni avaz)
• Michel offers political agreement for functional B&H and speeding up EU path (FTV)
• 19th General Assembly of HDZ of Croatia held in Zagreb; Covic says B&H does not exist without Croat people (N1)
• Milanovic: Croats in B&H deserve at least a sense of justice (HRT1)
• Future of Western Balkans in focus of SEECP summit in Greece (HRT)
• Covic went to Brussels but he did not want to be at the meeting in the same room with Komsic (Vecernji list)
• Support for Berlin Process, Open Balkans “buried”? (N1)
• Djukanovic: World in never more serious crisis, as Europeans we must be able to understand messages of Russian aggression and respond decisively to consequences (CdM)
• Abazovic accepted Zelensky’s invitation, would call on leaders of the region to visit Kyiv (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Scholz calls for EU to open accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania (Nova)
• Kovacevski: North Macedonia and Albania have met the conditions for negotiations (MIA)
• Open Balkans initiative has increased the trade volume between the countries of the region (Radio Tirana)
• Kosovo Liberation Day/Nikolla shared a greeting message (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 10 June 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 10 June 2022


• Vucic thanked Equatorial Guinea for its consistent support for preservation of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug/Politika)
• Agreement on cooperation in defense with Equatorial Guinea signed (Tanjug)
• Selakovic: Stability, good neighborly relations crucial for region’s development (Tanjug/RTV)
• Vucic with Szijjarto: For even closer cooperation in energy (Tanjug/RTV)
• Serbia signs agreement on storing natural gas in Hungary (Tanjug/RTS)
• Vucic: Serbia, Montenegro need to reset relationship (Adria TV/Tanjug)
• Diplomats: Common European future only solution to region’s past problems (Beta/Politika)
• Serb List representatives refuse to receive summons of Kosovo Special Prosecution (Politika)
• Serbia faces with the ultimatum (RTS)
• RIK rejects complaint of Coalition of Albanians of the Valley (Novosti)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Money for holding B&H general elections finally paid into B&H CEC's account (BHT1)
• Dodik: RS has hired legal team to file lawsuit in Germany against Schmidt (Nova BH)
• HR Schmidt says functional state does not need international community and B&H tends to become EU member state, adds he will keep using Bonn Powers but with high level of restraint (FTV)
• Cvijanovic: Imposing of decisions by foreigners is unacceptable (ATV)
• Novakovic-Bursac on outvoting of Dodik in B&H Presidency: Stronghold for outvoting are stances of part of international community and behavior of opposition in RS (Nezavisne)
• Zakharova: PIC SB’s decisions adopted without Russia, as full member of the body, are not legitimate and do not reflect the position of international community, and such meetings cannot have legal consequences in B&H (RTRS)
• Dodik: Dzaferovic has no consent for participation in SEECP meeting in Thessaloniki (RTRS)
• Komsic: Hosts of summits in Thessaloniki and Ohrid refused to allow Dodik to take part in those meetings (BN TV/
• Cikotic: B&H has capacity to become full member of NATO (Hayat)
• Zakharova claims part of weapons intended for Ukraine already smuggled to B&H, Albania and Kosovo (N1)
• Cikotic: Zakharova’s allegations are unfounded, untrue and ill-intentioned (O Kanal)
• Plenkovic: All that Cavara has done was for the goal of improving the status of Croats in B&H (N1)
• Zelensky invites Abazovic to visit Kiev (CdM)
• Abazovic: With smart foreign policy, Montenegro overcame the negative experience with Russia (Pobjeda/CNN)
Republic of North Macedonia
• There will be elections in May 2024 together with the presidential ones, said Osmani (TV Kanal 5)