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Belgrade Media Report 11 May


• Guterres congratulates Vucic (RTS)
• Vucic meets Sarrazin; Says imposed solutions cannot bring prosperity and stability in B&H, Serbia advocates consistent, full implementation of DPA (N1/RTS)
• Vucic: The West logically demands that Serbia align with their foreign policy (Beta/Tanjug)
• German Envoy: Berlin backs region’s EU membership, active engagement with Serbia (Beta)
• Sarrazin: EU path only right path for Serbia (Tanjug)
• Mihajlovic: Germany important partner of Serbia in energy transition (Tanjug)
• Selakovic: Terrorism is the most serious threat to peace (Beta)
• Opposition leader calls state TV to open up (N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Chollet thanks Schmidt for Report on situation in B&H: US remains committed to implementation of DPA and HR’s mandate (O Kanal)
• Dodik: Dzaferovic’s visit to New York is not authorized (ATV)
• Zakharova: Christian Schmidt is a fraud (ATV)
• HNS: Croat political parties will participate in elections but will not give up on territorial reorganization of B&H; Magazinovic: Current HDZ B&H’s conditioning may mean complete institutional blockade after elections (O Kanal)
• Following new threats with third entity and reorganization of B&H, daily researches whether Bosnian and pro-Bosnian representatives have adequate response; SDA officials underline responsibility of Prosecutor’s Office of B&H (Oslobodjenje)
• Issue of financing of general elections in B&H still unresolved (Hayat)
• Sattler meets MEPs: Great to see strong engagement from MEPs (Dnevni avaz)
• Plenkovic announces new visit of EU officials to B&H and new talks on Election Law (Vecernji list)
• Croatian bishops and Plenkovic seek equal position for Croats in B&H (Vecernji list)
• Abazovic: I stand for the Open Balkans - an initiative made for six countries; Issue of demarcation with Kosovo is over for Montenegro (CdM/Klan Kosova)
• Mandic: We call on the opposition to organize big protests together (RTNK)
• Elections in Podgorica and another 13 municipalities to be held on 23 October (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• VMRO began its full blockade of parliament (Republika)
• Another small coalition partner threatens to bring down the government (TV21)
• EU says still no change to the accession process, even after Macron outlined a radical vision (MIA)
• First round for the election of the new president set on 16 May (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 10 May 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 10 May 2022


• Brnabic: EU most important political, trade partner of Serbia (Tanjug/RTS)
• Giaufret: Russia starts a war, strong EU required, able to defense itself (Beta)
• Vucic meets with Sarrazin (B92)
• Dacic meets with German Ambassador (Tanjug/Politika)
• Mihajlovic: Serbia must defend its energy stability even if it would require changing ownership structure in oil and NIS (Beta)
• Macron: Western Balkans should continue its path towards EU membership (RTS)
• RIK confirms Vucic election win (N1)
• GIK adopts results of Belgrade elections (Tanjug)
• Will Dodik be prohibited to participate in elections (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• May 9 as Victory Day, Europe Day and Day of ‘Golden Lilies’ of RBiH Army marked with protest walk in Sarajevo in support of Ukraine; Dzaferovic: B&H has condemned Russian aggression on Ukraine despite internal disagreements (Hayat)
• Cvijanovic: RS celebrates and observes two days of victory – 9 May and 9 January (RTRS)
• Komsic and Dzaferovic’s statements on Victory Day spark reactions of Dodik (N1/ATV)
• MEPs Schieder, Koster and Reuten arrive in B&H; Schieder says MEPs and especially Social Democrats will do everything they can to ensure B&H obtains status of candidate for membership in EU as soon as possible (AJB)
• Dodik says that he will be candidate in general elections in B&H despite messages coming from Sarajevo (ATV)
• Kosarac slams Arnautovic, warns of dangerous intentions of leading Bosniak politicians (Dnevni list)
• Komsic announces he will run for Presidency again, Dodik accuses Komsic of preparing another electoral theft (Nezavisne)
• HNS Presidency and HDZ B&H Presidency hold separate sessions; HNS will participate in general elections (Hayat)
• Izetbegovic: New negotiations will not bring any significant results because political atmosphere is bad; Dzaferovic: It is too late for changes election changes (Nova BH)
• Granic: Big number of EU states do not understand problem in B&H (Dnevni list)
• Grlic Radman: Elections in B&H are implemented against constitution due to failure to implement verdicts of ECHR and B&H CC (HRT1)
• Croatia will continue to assist Ukraine, says PM (Hina)
• Croatia understands best what Ukraine is going through, FM says (Hina)
• Elections put off to autumn (RTCG)
Republic of North Macedonia
• EU and US diplomats call for quick opening of Macedonia’s accession talks (Republika)
• War in Ukraine last call for EU decision on enlargement (MIA)
• Macron raises prospect of a two-tier Europe, that would likely leave Macedonia on the outside (Republika)
• Political leaders welcome the church decision – Mickoski says it supports the Macedonian national identity (Republika)
• The Russian church dismisses Bartholomew’s move, says it still considers Macedonia under jurisdiction of the Serbian church (Republika)
• Meta meets with Bundestag MP: Germany is an important partner and constant supporter of our country (Radio Tirana)
• Romania in support of Albania's EU integration process (Radio Tirana)

Belgarde Media Report 9 May


• Vucic: After Putin's statement, our situation has changed for the worse (B92)
• Serbia’s goal to enter EU as soon as possible (Tanjug/Politika)
• Brnabic meets with Borrell (Tanjug/RTS)
• Selakovic: Serbia seeks sustained partnership with US (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Selakovic thanks Brazil for support on Kosovo and Metohija issue (Politika/Tanjug)
• Selakovic: We must fight together for Serbia to pass less damaged through unfavorable times (RTS)
• Stefanovic: EU is where Serbia sees its place (Tanjug)
• Joksimovic: Non-introduction of sanctions against Russia will not stop EU path, but will slow us down (RTS)
• Botsan-Kharchenko: The West is putting incredible pressure on Serbia (Politika)
• On what kind of faith are foreign troops in B&H facing (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Ambassador Kalabukhov writes editorial on occasion of Victory Day (Glas Srpske)
• RS government's report to UN SC states that RS categorically rejects violence and fully accepts European values of democracy and rule of law built into DPA (ATV)
• Media on second part of 27th report sent by RS government to UN SC: There is orchestrated campaign aimed at strengthening of foreign intervention in B&H (ATV)
• Dzaferovic: If there is no European action, then way is opened for Russian influence, and we do not want that (Nova BH)
• Dodik on Dzaferovic’s statement on B&H and Ukraine: B&H is destabilized by Muslims helped by several Western embassies, while everything else is product of Dzaferovic’s fantasy; other reactions (ATV)
• Podzic: Scenario in which Dodik causes conflict in B&H with help of Putin is possible, but other countries like Moldova and Georgia are in much worse position (Oslobodjenje)
• Covic announces new attempt at agreement on changes to Election Law; Izetbegovic thinks it will be in vain (Nova BH)
• Sattler says problems must be solved in B&H parliament, calls politicians to respect existing Election Law of B&H (BHT1)
• Kofod welcomes decision to hold elections in October (FTV)
• Arnautovic threatens Dodik and Covic’s nominations will not be verified if Schmidt states before UN SC that they violate B&H Constitution and DPA (FACE TV/FTV)
• Komsic says Milanovic’s activities cannot be called friendly or good-neighborly policy (Hayat)
• Plenkovic says rights of Croats as one of constituent people in B&H are currently jeopardized (Dnevni list)
• SDA's Izetbegovic confirms that he expects another EU mediation attempt to change B&H Election Law soon, but says it will not yield results in current circumstances (HRT)
• Milanovic says HDZ B&H’s announcement on third entity in B&H is extreme, but that he will have to support it (N1)
• President of SDP of Croatia Grbin says SDP supports admission of Finland and Sweden to NATO, confirms SDP of Croatia would not support Covic’s idea on territorial reorganization of B&H (Jutarnji list)
• Plenkovic visits Ukraine, visits Kyiv, meets with Zelensky (TCN)
• Plenkovic: Croatia admires resistance of Ukrainian people (Hina)
• Bozinovic comments on case of Croatian national taken prisoner in Ukraine (Hina)
• Djukanovic: We are facing difficult time, time of strategic decisions, Montenegro is determined to regain reform enthusiasm (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Kovacevski calls on EU to finally keep its promise an allow Macedonia to open its accession talks (Republika)
• Xhaferi calls on Bulgaria to lift its veto (Republika)
• Byrnes wants to see Macedonia join EU as soon as possible, says strategic partnership with the US is no substitute (Republika)
• Kovacevski refuses to discuss holding early elections – I will not accept blackmail from VMRO-DPMNE (Republika)
• Rama: Our continent celebrates today under the sign of Ukraine (Radio Tirana)
• Open Balkans agreement, Minister Krifca receives counterpart from the Republic of Northern Macedonia (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 06 May 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 6 May 2022

• Vucic: We will be Germany's ally, but we have right to our own stance (Tanjug/Politika)
• Lambrecht: Germany dependable partner of Serbia on EU path (Tanjug/Politika)
• Stefanovic meets with Lambrecht (Tanjug/RTS)
• Serbia to donate humanitarian aid for endangered population in Ukraine (Tanjug/RTV)
• Vucic meets with Brammertz (Tanjug)
• Improvement of cooperation between Office of Prosecutor of Residual Mechanism and judicial organs of Serbia (Tanjug)
• Selakovic: Serbia firmly determined for further improving overall cooperation with India (RTV)
• Drecun: I am not an optimist in regard to continuation of dialogue on 13 May (Tanjug/RTV)
• Cochard: Serbia’s position on war in Ukraine needs to become clearer (Beta)
• Giaufret: It would be great if Serbia joined sanctions against Russia (RTV/Beta)
• US Ambassador: No one is an expert on the Balkans (N1)
• Israeli Ambassador says Serbia is neighbor (FoNet)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• HR Schmidt identifies major threats to stability and integrity in his report to UN Security Council; Report says RS is seriously violating DPA and Cavara is blocking Constitutional Court of FB&H (O Kanal)
• Dodik: Schmidt’s report on B&H is false report, he is main culprit for situation in B&H (Srna/ATV)
• RS government adopts 27th RS’ report to UN SC emphasizing full commitment to DPA and calling on international members to respect DPA and rule of law (ATV)
• EU Delegation urges politicians to secure funding for 2022 General Elections (Glas Srpske)
• B&H CEC changes Rules of Procedures on Holding of Elections to prevent election thefts (EuroBlic)
• Dodik: CEC follows policies of Komsic and Izetbegovic; Dodik criticizes Arnautovic’s statement (ATV)
• OHR responds to Covic’s letter by saying that elections must be held according to existing Election Law; Funds for the elections have to be secured (O Kanal)
• SDA Presidency: Covic’s threats related to territorial reorganization of B&H are direct attack on DPA; Izetbegovic: Insulting statements and moves of Milanovic damage relations between B&H and Croatia (Hayat)
• Dzaferovic advises B&H's neighbors, including Croatia, to leave B&H alone (Hayat)
• Komsic: It is high time to say no and that is enough to official Zagreb (Hayat)
• Croatian President: Pressure on NATO is crucial for B&H (N1)
• Plenkovic and Von der Leyen discusses elections in B&H (HRT1)
• Croatian officials react to Milanovic’s proposal to convene National Security Council’s session in relation to CEC’s decision to call general elections in B&H (HRT1)
• Covic calls on Milanovic and Plenkovic to try to prevent harsh and organized outvoting of Croat people in B&H while there is still time (HRT1)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Pendarovski: Mickoski is right when he demands guarantees from Bulgaria before we amend the Constitution (Republika)
• Xhacka meets her Lithuanian counterpart: Albania is pursuing all the necessary reforms to join the EU (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 5 May


• Vucic: We want compromise with Pristina, peace in W. Balkans (Politika/Tanjug/RTS)
• Scholz: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue key topic (Tanjug/Politika)
• Vucic thanked the German hosts for organizing Belgrade - Pristina dialogue (B92)
• Vucic: I'm afraid it will be even worse (B92/Tanjug)
• Lajcak welcomes talk with Vucic, Kurti in Berlin (N1/Beta)
• Mihajlovic: Gas interconnection with Bulgaria a priority (Tanjug)
• Dacic, Hill discuss situation in Europe, Western Balkans (Beta)
• Serbian Patriarch serves liturgy in Pec Patriarchate (Politika/Tanjug)
• Serbian Patriarch says Kosovo holy sites are global heritage (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Pisonero: Important to hold fair, free and inclusive elections (Dnevni avaz)
• Sattler comments on B&H CEC’s decision: First step for implementation of elections was made (O Kanal)
• Covic: B&H CEC’s decision can threaten peace in B&H (BHT1)
• US Embassy reacts to Covic’s letter: Financial obstructions and threats to divide B&H further are against B&H Constitution and EU path of B&H (BHT1)
• UK Embassy on Covic’s letter: We take seriously attempts to destabilize or threat B&H (FTV)
• Reactions of other B&H politicians to CEC’s decision, changes to B&H Election Law (Hayat)
• Lambrecht meets Podzic in Sarajevo, expresses support of Germany to Western Balkans (BHT1)
• Dodik: New EU sanctions against Russia to produce numerous problems in this region as well, RS not to allow B&H to impose sanctions on Russia (ATV)
• Grlic Radman: B&H CEC is unconstitutional (O Kanal)
• Milanovic proposes to Plenkovic to convene session of Croatian National Security Council due to danger Croats in B&H will not be able to elect their representatives (N1)
• Croatian politicians comment on latest Milanovic’s statements (HRT1)
• Petar Knezevic questioned, claims the recording was edited (RTCG)
• Knezevic requests interrogation of Abazovic, Brdjanin... (RTCG/Libertas)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Nikoloski: VMRO-DPMNE will begin to blockade parliament on10 May, and it will last until early a date for elections is agreed (Republika)
• Bulgaria wants Macedonia to amend its Constitution before EU accession talks begin (Republika)
• Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE will not allow amending the Constitution unless Bulgaria declares that it is the last of their demands (Republika)
• Draghi: Negotiations with Albania should be opened as soon as possible (Radio Tirana)
• Nikola meets Lithuanian Foreign Minister: Grateful for supporting Albania’s accession into EU (Radio Tirana)
• Premier asked about possible ban of Russian tourists (ADN)