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UNMIK Headlines 23 December

Headlines - 23.12.2013

Thaci and minorities want constitutional amendments (Koha)

The paper reports on the front page that Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, through constitutional amendments, wants to extend the mandate of reserved parliamentary seats for minority communities. The opposition on the other hand insists that constitutional amendments in the end of the mandate of this parliament are irrational and detrimental.

The two biggest opposition parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Vetëvendosje Movement, are categorically against constitutional reforms and an extended mandate for reserved seats. Meanwhile, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) have yet to announce their final positions on the matter.

The ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) insists that Thaci’s position in favor of extending the mandate of reserved seats is in line with the request of international officials.


Serbia announces negotiations on Kosovo properties (Koha Ditore)

Authorities in Belgrade have announced that the upcoming topic to be discussed in the Brussels dialogue includes the issue of properties in Kosovo, in particular the Trepça mine and other assets that have been privatized. Serbia’s minister without portfolio for Kosovo, Aleksandar Vulin, said Serbia has a share in the Trepça mining complex and that they will demand compensation to Serbs for privatizations that have already been concluded. However, officials from the Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK) dismissed Vulin’s statements saying that members of the Serb community were part of the privatisation process.

At the same time, Deputy Prime Minister and Kosovo’s chief negotiator, Edita Tahiri, said there will be no negotiations about properties and assets under Kosovo’s state sovereignty. She said Kosovo and Serbia should undergo an international succession process and that can happen only once Serbia recognizes Kosovo and “as two independent and sovereign states we can discuss issued within the succession framework in accordance to international law”.


Dacic says meetings with Thaci are political shows (Koha)

Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sunday that the Brussels agreement in no way recognizes the independence of Kosovo and that the latter was overshadowed by the Association of Serb majority municipalities. “With the Brussels agreement, we did not recognize Kosovo’s independence. On the contrary, we have turned back the wheel of history … We did not build any mechanism to prevent it [Kosovo’s independence] but now we will have the Association,” Dacic said. “Do you think it was easy for me to meet Thaci on 20 occasions and to shake hands? But I am prime minister and this is a political show. This is how it’s done.”


To be clarified in January (Tribuna)

The Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic are expected to hold the 21 meeting in Brussels mediated by Baroness Catherine Ashton, during the next month. The European Union expects from the two Prime Ministers to find a solution and harmonization of positions on many issues, especially those that concern functioning of judiciary in the north, approval of the statute of Association of Serb Municipalities as well as disintegration and transforming of the illegal association “civilian protection” in Kosovo bodies. As far as basic courts in the north are concerned, Pristina has offered the option of seven municipalities, while Belgrade requested four. Sources from the Government told this daily that Pristina’s offer has not changed. Kosovo party has offered  to keep the same unique system of justice, while Serbian party insists for a division of this system


Draft-statute of Association, awaits Brussels confirmation (Koha Ditore)

The Government of Kosovo, has presented to Brussels the draft statute of the Association of Serb Municipalities, and now it is waiting for comments on whether the draft statute is in accordance with the 19 April Agreement. Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Edita Tahiri, said to this daily that there were no discussions with the Serbian party on this issue and that statute is completely in accordance with Kosovo Laws.


Clashes over association (Tribuna)

Pristina and Belgrade officials disagree on the powers the association of Serb municipalities and while the first views it as an NGO that will enable integration of Serbs into Kosovo institutions, the second insist it will be a mechanism that prevents independence of Kosovo.

However, Kosovo leaders firmly believe that the association will present no threat to independence. Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said independence of Kosovo is already a done deal.

At the same time, political analysts express concern that the association of Serb municipalities may affect functionality of the state of Kosovo but they also consider it cannot go as far as to undermine independence of Kosovo.


No early elections (Tribuna)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, will complete his second mandate. It appears that despite all the rumors, the governing coalition will continue with changes in the beginning of the new year, in order to assure survival of Thaçi’s Government. National elections will be held next year, but not in June. In order for the citizens to vote, the elections would need to be proclaimed by the end of this month. This is not expected to happen, because the elections reform is not completed, therefore, elections will be delayed for September, and they will be regular.


Thaçi: Investments in Brezovica, next year (dailies)

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi took to his Facebook page to discuss the issue of Brezovica and said that the process of identifying investors that would revitalize the ski resort will end next year. “Foreign experts have estimated that around 200 million euro investments will create up to 4,000 new jobs in municipalities bordering Sharr mountains”, wrote Thaçi.


Krasniqi: I don’t seek support for mafia libel and fabrication (dailies)

Kosovo Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi wrote in his Facebook account that he would not seek support from anyone over what he called dirty libel and fabrication by a mafia organization. “For my 40-year political activity in the service of the nation and the country, for my actions or failure to act during every stage of my activity, I will not seek support from anyone, let alone for libel and dirty combinations by a mafia organization,” Krasniqi wrote.