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UNMIK Headlines 30 December

Headlines - 30.12.2017

The U.S. State Department: Special Court repeal affects international relations (media)

The U.S. State Department issued on Friday a press release which calls on political leaders to maintain commitment to the work of the Specialist Chambers. 

“We call on political leaders in the Republic of Kosovo to maintain their commitment to the work of the Chambers and to leave the authorities and jurisdiction of the court unchanged,” it is stated in a press release issued by the US State Department.

“As Secretary Tillerson said December 21, the pursuit of justice in the Balkans is not over, and we remain committed to supporting justice for the victims. We applaud the moral courage of the Kosovo political leaders who enacted the law and constitutional amendment in 2015 that enabled this court to be established. We strongly urge Kosovo’s current political leaders and Assembly members not to undo that achievement by tampering with the court now or in the future,” notes the press release issued by the U.S. Department of State. 

The U.S.: Special Court repeal affects international relations (media)

Prior to a new phase of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia facilitated by the EU, Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci called on the political specter for the same unity as shown during the negotiations for the independence of Kosovo. Thaci told the Radio Free Europe that Kosovo always won when the political specter was united. 

“I want to hope that the dialogue will continue, that creation of a joint political team will happen. I want to strongly believe that a final agreement will conclude with Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo and Kosovo’s recognition of Serbia, which means mutual recognition and that Kosovo will be part of the United Nations. No other dialogue with Serbia would have a meaning,” Thaci said. 

However, opposition political parties are not in favor of creation of a unity team and in Thaci’s leading role in the negotiations with Serbia. 

“Initiatives in accordance with Constitution are not a clash with internationals” (RTV21)

Kosovo’s President, Hashim Thaci told RTV21 that no initiative of the citizens or MPs which is in accordance with the Constitution and regular parliamentary regulations means a clash with the international community. “In the contrary, it is a matter which should be seriously considered and assessed because those people are elected by the population and have their full mandate to initiate things which they consider to be rightful or to move them forward,” Thaci said.

The U.S. Embassy issues a press release on Specialist Chambers (RTK)

The U.S. embassy to Kosovo, issued on Friday a press release with regards to the recent initiatives to repeal the Law on the Specialist Chambers. 

“Kosovo’s leaders have made repeated public statements this week that an initiative in the Kosovo Assembly regarding the Special Court won’t damage Kosovo’s international relationships.   They are mistaken.  Any such renewed efforts would have profound negative consequences for Kosovo’s European future and its relationship with the United States.

Furthermore, threats of violence are wholly unacceptable and should be clearly and unequivocally rejected by the Government.

We are extremely disappointed at those who would sacrifice their country’s future and the unwavering support of the United States, in favor of their personal interests” notes the press release.

Limaj: Decision on the Special Court belongs to MPs (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Fatmir Limaaj, told RTK that the matter of the Specialist Chambers is in hands and will of the Kosovo Assembly MPs. He reiterated tht the decision to establish the Special Court was unfair.

Speaking about the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, Limaj said that the matter will conclude by the end of January. According to him the final version will be approved by majority of the Kosovo Assembly MPs. 

Veseli: No one should fear the Special Curt (RTK)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, said during the meeting of the party’s Steering Committee that no one should be happy nor fear the Special Court. “The war of the Kosovo Liberation Army is greater than the Special Court,” Vesli said.

Albin Kurti and Donika Kadaj Bujupi released from detention (RTK)

Vetevendosje Movement MPs, Albin Kurti and Donika Kadaj Bujupi were released on Friday from detention. The Court has decided to announce the verdict on the four accused MPs for throwing tear gas at the Assembly on 3 January at 13:00 hours.