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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 4, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • KFOR: After Banjska attack, we quadrupled presence in north of Kosovo (Koha)
  • Kosovo man arrested under suspicion of ordering his wife’s murder (media)
  • Osmani meets Von der Leyen, discuss Kosovo’s getting closer to EU (media)
  • Kurti hosts Jovanovic, discuss relations between Kosovo and Serbia (media)
  • Redzepi with messages from Bosnia: Careful with the Association! (EO)
  • Lajcak holds series of productive meetings with reps of European govts (media)
  • Kamberi meets Kurti: Albanians in the Valley must have representation (KSP)

Serbian Language Media:

  • The European Council requests the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia to enter Chapter 35 (N1, media) 
  • Italy’s PM meets Vucic: Italy will always support Serbia in Council of Europe (N1)
  • A petition launched to ban the false priest Nikola Xhufka from entering Kosovo (KiM radio)
  • ‘ProGlas’ initiative presented in North Mitrovica (N1, KoSSev)
  • The SL presidency member:  "Support and sign ProGlas" experienced a fiasco in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Monument to fallen Serb soldiers in Pristina cemetery returned to its original place (KoSSev)
  • Peach held dinner with leaders of Albanian parties and K.Serbs – Arsenijevic, Bisevac, Trajkovic, Rasic (KoSSev)

Albanian Language Media

KFOR: After Banjska attack, we quadrupled presence in north of Kosovo (Koha)

NATO’s mission in Kosovo, KFOR, said in a statement to the news website that after the attack in Banjska on September 24, it has quadrupled their presence in the north of Kosovo, and tripled the number of patrols, including those along the border with Serbia. The peacekeeping mission said the steps were taken to ensure that the mission continues to fulfil its mandate for a safe environment for all people in Kosovo. "After the event of September 24, NATO has deployed almost 1000 additional troops to KFOR. We have quadrupled the presence of KFOR in the north of Kosovo and tripled the number of patrols, including along the administrative border line. These are prudent steps to ensure that KFOR continues to fulfil its mandate - based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to ensure a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo, at any time and in an impartial manner. In general, the security situation is now calmer, but it remains fragile. KFOR continues to operate as the third responder in Kosovo, respectively after the Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law mission (EULEX),” the statement notes. 

Kosovo man arrested under suspicion of ordering his wife’s murder (media)

One of the main stories in the media over the weekend has been the killing of a Kosovo Albanian woman. The case was initially reported as a robbery that resulted in a murder, but investigations later revealed that the husband of the victim staged the robbery and paid a fellow villager to execute his wife. The husband, and two other suspects, appeared before court on Sunday and were ordered to a month in detention. 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a reaction that the murderers must receive a maximum penalty. “Women and girls are still being murdered, while oppressing patriarchal norms are widely distributed. The arresting of criminals is not enough. The weight of injustice by the judicial system continues to fall on the shoulders of women and girls, while the perpetrators are not getting merited punishments,” he argued.

President Vjosa Osmani said in a statement that “there must be a merited punishment for the monstrous crime”. “This heinous crime requires swift and crucial action to make sure that justice prevails and that the perpetrators get the penalty that meets the weight of this macabre act,” she said. 

The Pristina-based Collective for Feminist Thought and Action, joined by independent feminist activists, held an action in front of the Basic Court in Pristina holding a banner that said “there is no peace without the safety of women”. A member of the collective said they would not rest “as long as men rape and kill girls and women”. She also said that a nation-wide protest would be held in downtown Pristina on Tuesday at 18:00.

OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo, Michael Davenport, reacted in a post on X saying that he was “horrified by another case of suspected femicide near Prishtinë/Priština - as we mark 16 Days of Activism against domestic violence. Wake-up call for all of us – Act Now Stop Femicide.”

The UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) said in a post on X that “the heartbreaking case serves as a stark reminder of the critical imperative to elevate awareness, unite in collective action, and drive systemic change to eliminate gender-based violence comprehensively. UNMIK is steadfast in its commitment to bolster initiatives striving to prevent all forms and manifestations of gender based violence”.

Osmani meets Von der Leyen, discuss Kosovo’s getting closer to EU (media)

Most news websites report that Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on Sunday. “Always a great pleasure to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and discuss how we can bring the Republic of Kosovo closer to the EU,” Osmani wrote in a post on X after the meeting.

Kurti hosts Jovanovic, discuss relations between Kosovo and Serbia (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti hosted on Sunday Cedomir Jovanovic, leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party in Serbia, and discussed latest developments in Kosovo and Serbia and relations between the two sides. “They also talked about the need to strengthen the rule of law in the Western Balkans, the importance of democratization of societies and institutions, political pluralism, respect for human rights and the rights of national minorities as a guarantee for peace and security throughout the region,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office said.

Jovanovic said in a video message on X after the meeting that he has known Kurti for 30 years, “he and I have gone through a lot in our lives and after our conversations I believe that the blood shed in Banjska is the last blood in the conflict between the Serbian and the Albanian people in Kosovo”. He also said that “we should not be silent about Kosovo”. “We have elections soon and Serbia is lagging under the burden of Kosovo. The truth must be told, and we need to take a different path. You all know that I spoke the truth many years ago, more than 20 years ago, and I was labelled a traitor for this,” he added.

Redzepi with messages from Bosnia: Careful with the Association! (EO)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Emilija Redzepi, said after a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and meeting with the organization “The Mothers of Srebrenica” that Kosovo needs to be careful with the formation of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. Redzepi said she received guarantees from the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that they were in no way involved in the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo on September 24. She also said that he had several meetings with business representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina who showed their interest to invest in Kosovo and that meetings on this matter would be held next year.

Lajcak holds series of productive meetings with reps of European govts (media)

European Union Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said in a Facebook post on Sunday that he wrapped up the week in Slovakia, where he spoke at the annual GLOBSEC Chateau Béla forum about the current dynamics in the EU-Western Balkan relations and the new momentum for enlargement. “Earlier this week, I traveled to Bucharest, where I took part in a European Council on Foreign Relations event focused on the future of EU enlargement. The discussions also touched upon the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, which is crucial for the European paths of both of them. On the margins of the event, I had a useful exchange about the state of play in the Dialogue, as well as regional dynamics with the Foreign Minister of Romania Luminița Odobescu. I am very grateful for Romania’s support for my work and their active engagement in the Western Balkans,” Lajcak said.

See his full post at:

Kamberi meets Kurti: Albanians in the Valley must have representation (KSP)

Partners of the election list “The political plight of Albanians continues – Shaip Kamberi” held a meeting on Sunday in Pristina with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, and informed the latter about preparations for the December 17 parliamentary elections in Serbia. Kamberi, a member of the Serbian Parliament, said in a Facebook post after the meeting that “the discriminated Albanians in [Presevo] Valley cannot and must not remain without a voice of representation”. He also said that “Albanians in the Valley, through their votes, need to secure representation in Parliament and continue their plight for justice and equality”.

Serbian Language Media 

The EU Council requests the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia to enter Chapter 35 (N1, media)

The EU Council will ask the European Commission to "urgently submit a proposal for amendments and additions to the criteria from Chapter 35", which would include the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the Annex on its implementation in that negotiating chapter with Serbia, according to the first draft of the conclusions of the European leaders' preparations for the upcoming summit, which N1 had insight to.

The draft also states the deadline - the end of January 2024.

With the same document, the European leaders will call on Serbia and Kosovo to "fully respect and implement" both the Brussels Agreement and its Ohrid Annex "without further delay and preconditions", stressing that this also applies to the establishment of the Association/Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority.

"The EU Council welcomes the readiness of Serbia and Kosovo to accept the draft statute presented to the parties by the EU mediator, with the understanding that it is necessary to work further on this basis," the document adds, but also expresses regret "due to the lack of its implementation."

The heads of government and EU member states remind that the normalization of relations between the two sides and the implementation of obligations from the dialogue are "essential conditions on the European path" and warn that "both sides risk losing important opportunities in the absence of progress."

The leaders of the 27 EU member states expect Serbia to fully cooperate and take all necessary measures to arrest the perpetrators of the attacks on citizens, members of KFOR, law enforcement authorities and journalists during the demonstrations on May 29, as well as the violent attacks on the Kosovo Police on the 24th September in the north of Kosovo, arrest and quickly bring to justice, ads the first draft of the conclusions of the European Council prepared for the December meeting, reported N1.

According to N1, the EU Council in the same document expresses concern about the strengthening of Serbian military forces near Kosovo, but also states that there was a reduction in troops and equipment.

The Council welcomes that Serbia has taken "some steps" in the right direction, including publicly encouraging Kosovo Serbs to participate in local elections in northern Kosovo, but adds that it should "encourage Kosovo Serbs to return to the institutions they left", reported N1.  

Italy’s PM meets Vucic: Italy will always support Serbia in Council of Europe (N1)

Italy's Prime minister Giorgia Meloni arrived in Serbia on Sunday for her first official visit to the country since she took office. She met with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic with whom she discussed the improvement of cooperation between the two countries as well as the European integration of Serbia, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the war in Ukraine.

Vucic said that he discussed all important issues with PM Meloni, and that he believes that her arrival will contribute to the further improvement of the relations between the two countries.

He also said that the political and economic relations between Serbia and Italy are good, emphasising that the exchange of goods between the two countries is 4.6 billion euro.

“I believe it will be much higher when Stellantis starts producing electric ‘pandas’ in Kragujevac,” said Vucic.

According to him, they also discussed regional issues and Serbia’s European path.

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A petition launched to ban the false priest Nikola Xhufka from entering Kosovo (KiM radio)

KiM radio reported yesterday that Branimir Stojanovic from the Serbian People's Movement launched a petition to ban the entry into Kosovo of the fake priest from Albania, Nikola Xhufka. 

The competent institutions are asked to ban Xhufka from entering the territory of Kosovo.

"This citizen of the Republic of Albania is openly spreading religious and national intolerance towards Serbs with his public appearances in the media and on social networks, and especially by breaking into the church, the Serbian Orthodox Church, in the municipality of Podujevo," read the petition

They remind that many Serbs have been banned from entering Kosovo due to many minor charges, as they state, they believe that their request is completely justified, grounded, and founded.

"If religious and national sentiments and rights are equal for Albanians and Serbs, as written in the laws, this request of ours would have to be fulfilled in an urgent manner and without delay."

‘ProGlas’ initiative presented in North Mitrovica (N1, KoSSev)

A forum titled 'Sign and support ProGlas' was held on Sunday in North Mitrovica, with Miodrag Jovanovic, PhD, professor at the University of Belgrade, writer and publisher Gojko Bozovic, and Milica Andric-Rakic, program manager of the New Social Initiative, addressing the citizens and speaking about the upcoming December elections.

Ordinary people have more understanding and solidarity with Serbs from Kosovo than the government in Belgrade, which does not report to anyone, has no responsibility or obligations towards institutions and the constitutional order, said one of the signatories of the ProGlas initiative, literary critic Gojko Bozovic.

He stressed that everything is decided by circles of the political or criminal oligarchs, instead of citizens whose lives and destinies are affected by all the events.

Bozovic said that this is why every signature for the ‘ProGlas’ initiative is precious, as it shows how much it is necessary to revive solidarity among citizens, as well as dialogue, which has been missing for so long.

Andric-Rakic warned that there is a large number of young and middle-aged people in Serbia who have fallen into defeatism and think that their vote does not change anything, which must change.

According to her, the upcoming December elections is a moment when it is possible, without violence, to “shake the government’s status.”

Read more at:

The SL presidency member:  "Support and sign ProGlas" experienced a fiasco in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

Member of the presidency of the Serbian List, Nemanja Bisevac, assessed yesterday that the rally in North Mitrovica "Support and sign ProGlas" was a fiasco.

According to Bisevac only ten people attended the tribune, and only a few from the north of Kosovo. 

"In this way, our citizens sent a clear message that they trust only President Aleksandar Vucic and his policy, which guarantees peace, future and prosperity for our people in these areas," he claimed. 

Bisevac reminded that more than 100 professors from the University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in North Mitrovica, prominent intellectuals and distinguished people from this area "supported President Aleksandar Vucic and the list 'Serbia must not stop' " with their signatures.

He emphasized that Serbs today live harder than ever in these areas, as he said, thanks to the anti-Serb regime of Albin Kurti

"Unfortunately, the quasi-opposition from Belgrade never found the courage to blame Albin Kurti for that, but whatever happens they blame their own country. That's why Kurti forbids our representatives from entering Kosovo and Metohija, and at the same time opens the door wide to these oppositionists and lays down a red carpet, because Kurti knows very well that the opposition's goal is only to divide and quarrel the Serbian people in these areas," concluded the announcement of the Serbian List.

Monument to fallen Serb soldiers in Pristina cemetery returned to its original place (KoSSev)

The monument to Serbian soldiers who died in the Balkans and World War I has been returned to the place where it was located before it was moved, the French embassy confirmed for KoSSev. First reactions to the (re)relocation of the monument have started arriving. While some welcomed the move, others still await for an apology from the French and German embassies in Kosovo.

The new monument to the French soldiers who died in Kosovo, which replaced the one dedicated to Serb soldiers, has now been placed in the spot where the memorial plaque to the fallen Serbian soldiers was recently moved.

The relocation was carried out by the Diocese of Raska and Prizren in cooperation with the French embassy, Diocese confirmed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France understood the importance of this place of suffering of the Serbian people, said lawyer and human rights activist Milan Antonijević.

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Peach held dinner with leaders of Albanian parties and K.Serbs – Arsenijevic, Bisevac, Trajkovic, Rasic (KoSSev)

The United Kingdom’s special envoy, Lord Stewart Peach, held a series of meetings with political, military, and religious representatives in Kosovo earlier this week. In addition to meeting with the top Pristina officials, Peach also met with representatives of opposition parties in Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Serb politicians, including the head of the recently formed Serbian National Council, Momcilo Trajkovic.

The British official also visited Belgrade, where he met with high-ranking Serbian officials – the President of Serbia and the Prime Minister, with whom he talked about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Last week, Peach stayed in Kosovo. Over the past several days, he met with the highest Pristina officials, including the President of Kosovo, the Prime Minister and the head of the Pristina negotiation team. He also discussed dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, offering his country’s support in the implementation of agreements that were reached.

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