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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Kosovo together with its allies will stop any possible attack from Serbia (media)
  • Bislimi: Only Euro is used for banking transactions in Kosovo (RTK)
  • Purchase of weapons from USA, focus of meeting between Osmani and Hovenier (RTK)
  • KSF members travel to UK to train Ukrainian troops (Klan Kosova)
  • Montgomery: Purchasing Javelin system, a right decision (VoA in Albanian)
  • Kurti meets "Philips" and “Meta” representatives in Davos (media) 
  • Tahiri: If Kurti approves Association draft statute, he will have problem staying in Kosovo (Telegrafi)
  • PSD: We turned down AAK’s offer to join the coalition (Kallxo)
  • Serbian attorney in Prekaz: No one will stop us on the path of reconciliation (RFE)
  • Roth publishes letter of 24 senior MPs, tells Vucic “you are totally isolated” (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic met von der Leyen (Tanjug)
  • Dacic: Serbia not giving up on principles of international law, UN Charter (Tanjug, media)
  • Lavrov: EU rewriting Belgrade-Pristina agreements to deprive Serbs of rights (BETA, N1)
  • Vucic on banning dinars in Kosovo, EU’s request to permit Svecla visit southern Serbia (N1, BETA, Tanjug)
  • Drecun: Payment transactions termination biggest threat to Kosovo Serbs yet (media)
  • Barbano: EULEX monitored petition, everyone exercised their rights in safe and organized manner (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Rohde: Collection of signatures process should commence promptly in two other northern municipalities (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Vuksanovic: Collection of signatures to recall mayor starts in Zvecan (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani: Kosovo together with its allies will stop any possible attack from Serbia (media) 

Kosovo President, Vjosa Osmani, met on Thursday the KFOR commander, Major General Ozkan Ulutas. They discussed the security situation in Kosovo and possible attacks from Serbia. 

Osmani expressed full confidence that "the institutions of Kosovo, in cooperation with the allied forces, will prevent any possible attack by Serbia, thus maintaining peace and stability in the country and in the region". 

According to a press release from the Presidency, she thanked KFOR for the continuous commitment as a third responder, to guarantee security in the entire territory of Kosovo. 

Osmani thanked him in particular for the additional troops that are supporting Kosovo's institutions in patrolling the border with Serbia, especially after the act of aggression by Serbia on September 24. 

"The president was also informed about the condition of the soldiers of the multinational force injured in the north of Kosovo in May. She emphasized that the Serbian criminal gangs that attacked NATO are unfortunately still at large and that the impunity for those who attacked KFOR in May is a bad message and is an encouragement for Serbia to attack again", the communiqué states. 

Bislimi: Only Euro is used for banking transactions in Kosovo (RTK) 

 Kosovo’s first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, has reacted to the recent debate about the use of currency in Kosovo. 

He wrote on 'Facebook' that the CBK regulation for "Cash Operations", approved by the board of this institution at the end of December last year, does not list any means of payment separately, apart from the specification which originates from Article 11 of the Constitution of Kosovo. 

"In this article, two things are specified: that a single currency is used as a valid means of payment in the Republic of Kosovo and that the Central Bank of Kosovo is an independent banking authority", he writes. According to him, of particular importance is the determination of the currency which is allowed to be used in all banking and non-banking transactions, which in the case of Kosovo is only the EURO currency. 

He said that the CBK regulation is not a product of political negotiations in Brussels and as such has no way of influencing the completion of the process of normalization of relations between Kosovo and the northern neighbor. 

"Transparency in the import of foreign currencies, their conversion to Euros and transfer to the final beneficiaries, has no possibility of affecting either the completion of the supplies of the eventual beneficiaries or the reduction of their purchasing power. Therefore, there is no way to cause a humanitarian crisis or to deprive any citizen from receiving and spending their income", he said. 

According to him, the only thing that is greatly reduced is the enormous space for misuse in the name of social aid support, a practice perfected by political realtors in Belgrade, who for every dinar they have sent to the families of the Serb community in Kosovo, have stolen 5 times. 

Purchase of weapons from USA, focus of meeting between Osmani and Hovenier (RTK) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received on Thursday the U.S. ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, in a regular meeting. They discussed the latest developments in Kosovo and those in bilateral cooperation. Focus of this meeting was the approval of the Military Sales Program by the U.S. State Department. On this occasion, President Osmani thanked Ambassador Hovenier for his continuous commitment and highly appreciated the work of the institutions on both sides. 

"President Osmani and Ambassador Hovenier also discussed a number of other issues of common interest and reconfirmed the need and readiness for continuous cooperation and coordination in order to fulfill common objectives", announced the presidency. 

KSF members travel to UK to train Ukrainian troops (Klan Kosova)  

A contingent of the Kosovo Security Force traveled to the UK on Thursday to take part in the Interflex Operation, the operational code name for the British-led multinational military operation to train and support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, said on Thursday that this marks another success for the KSF. “The United Kingdom stood by our people and Republic in all state-building phases and remains our irreplaceable partner, with whom we have built beyond friendly relations that are based on common values and mutual trust,” he said.  

Montgomery: Purchasing Javelin system, a right decision (VoA in Albanian)  

Mark Montgomery, director at the Washington-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, said in an interview with the Voice of America that Kosovo’s decision to purchase Javelin missiles is well-thought. “Approving such a request requires a lot of inter-institutional planning and efforts, which means that the political, economic, and military side of assessment by the U.S. government about the Balkans in general and Kosovo in particular, agreed that this is the right thing to do,” he said.  

Montgomery said that the message that is sent by selling the advanced Javelin system to Kosovo has diplomatic objectives. “We know that we want to provide Kosovo with the required tools to create stability within its borders against any use of force from outside. The Javelin system is an advanced and fantastic weapon of defense that can be used to stop an eventual attack with armored vehicles against Kosovo,” he argued.  

Kurti meets "Philips" and “Meta” representatives in Davos (media) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met in Davos senior representatives of the "Philips" company. 

"The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, held a meeting with the senior representatives of "Philips", Prof. Dr. Marnix van Ginneken and Jan-Willem Scheijgrond. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the improvement and modernization of the health sector in Kosovo." 

In the announcement of the OPM, it is stated that Philips "expressed its willingness to help increase the productivity of the health sector in Kosovo".  

They also discussed the development of the Health Information System and the use of the latest technologies for appropriate examination and early detection of diseases. 

In a meeting he had with Monika Bickert, the vice president for Content Policy at Meta, which is the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, Kurti invited Bickert to consider the possibilities of cooperation with Kosovo.   

"Among the main issues that were discussed at the meeting was the expansion of monetization opportunities on Facebook for Kosovo. Currently, our country faces restrictions to utilize most of the monetization features on Facebook. The introduction of monetization in Kosovo can significantly liberalize the market, creating significant opportunities for local creators to profit through the Facebook platform," said the Prime Minister's Office announcement on Thursday afternoon.  

Tahiri: If Kurti approves Association draft statute, he will have problem staying in Kosovo (Telegrafi)  

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Abelard Tahiri said that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, is responsible for the Brussels and Ohrid agreements.  

He said that if the draft statute for the Association is approved, it will be national betrayal. According to him, if Kurti approves that draft, it will be a problem for him to stay in Kosovo. Tahiri emphasized that he does not believe that version of the Association will be approved.  

"The Ohrid and Brussels agreement is not dropped from the sky, Kurti has contributed there as well... Kurti has seen that the creation of this institution will divide Kosovo into two territorial political entities. I am convinced that this government does not take it forward, it is national betrayal, it will not approve it. The country will go to the elections... It does not approve the draft statute, to send the country to the elections", he said. 

"If he approves it, he will have a problem staying in Kosovo. Then the big problem will arise, we will experience their territorial organization, we will enter a big inter-ethnic problem as well", he said. 

PSD: We turned down AAK’s offer to join the coalition (Kallxo)   

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) said on Thursday that it turned down an invitation by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) to join their coalition with NISMA. “We thank the AAK for the invitation, but our refusal is conceptual and ideological. As a political party we also believe that a strategic coalition that aims only at higher representation in the Assembly, is not necessary,” a spokeswoman for the PSD said.  

Serbian attorney in Prekaz: No one will stop us on the path of reconciliation (RFE)   

Serbian attorney, Cedomir Stojkovic, placed a wreath of flowers on the grave of Blerina Jashari at the Adem Jashari memorial complex in Prekaz on Thursday. He said that “no one will stop us on the path of reconciliation, peace, solidarity, and justice”. The news website notes that Blerina was seven years old when she was killed by Serbian forces in 1998.  

Stojkovic, a national of Serbia, is the attorney of opposition politician Nikola Sandulovic who was arrested on January 3 shortly after publishing photos from the memorial complex in Prekaz.  

Stojkovic said on Thursday: “25 years after the war in Kosovo, as the last war in the Balkans, my country arrests and beats people that want peace between nations and place flowers on the graves of Albanian children. This is something that we shouldn’t ignore. It is a clear omen that evil has not been defeated and that it is waiting for its time to come”.  

“I came here not only to express my sorrow for the citizens that were killed. I came here not only to honor the victims but also to send a clear message that we are building a better future. People, don’t be afraid. We weren’t afraid yesterday, we’re not afraid today, and we won’t be afraid tomorrow. No one can stop us on the path of reconciliation, peace, solidarity, and justice,” he said.   

Roth publishes letter of 24 senior MPs, tells Vucic “you are totally isolated” (media)  

Michael Roth, chair of the German Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee, published on Thursday a letter signed by 24 senior MPs from several European countries, calling on the EU to conduct an independent investigation of all reported irregularities and claims of fraud in the Serbian parliamentary and local elections in December last year. Roth published the letter in a post on X and said “Dear [Serbian] President Aleksandar Vucic, this is neither a conspiracy nor a socialist campaign. You are totally isolated! 24 Senior MPs from all over Europe call on the EU to investigate the fraud allegations independently and to make recommendations to ensure free and fair elections in Serbia.”  

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic met von der Leyen (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos on Thursday, Tanjug news agency reports.

"An excellent and important discussion with Ursula von der Leyen about geopolitical challenges and strategically important issues for Serbia, with focus on plans to implement the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, which should strengthen and bring closer together our economies and societies", Vucic wrote in a post on his official Instagram account.

Vucic also said he asked von der Leyen that the EU to the extent possible influences Pristina not to abolish payment transactions with central Serbia. 

Dacic: Serbia not giving up on principles of international law, UN Charter (Tanjug, media)

Serbia has always strived to create a fairer and better world, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Kampala on Thursday, noting that Belgrade continued to advocate respect of the universal principles of international law and the UN Charter, Tanjug news agency reports.

"In the case of the Republic of Serbia, international law and the order in which the sovereignty of states is inviolable and the borders are immutable have been violated the most", Dacic said in an address at a ministerial meeting held as part of the 19th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in the Ugandan capital.

"Such precedents lead to meaninglessness of these principles, which we all agreed on a long time ago - not only agreed, but also obliged to respect them. That is why the Republic of Serbia will not give up advocating for the universal validity of the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter, regardless of the fact that we ourselves are still suffering the consequences of their selective application", he added.

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Lavrov: EU rewriting Belgrade-Pristina agreements to deprive Serbs of rights (BETA, N1)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the European Union (EU) keeps rewriting agreements between Belgrade and Pristina in a way that there are no rights for the Serbs in the north of Kosovo, BETA news agency reports. Lavrov told a media conference in Moscow that 10 years have gone by since the signing of these agreements with the mediation of the EU, yet the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM) has still not been formed, reported the Russian news agency TASS.

“There is nothing the EU can do about this. The only thing they have managed to deliver, as I understand it, is that they have come up with an idea to please Albin Kurti, to please Pristina, to rewrite this agreement on the Community of Serb Municipalities of Kosovo, to rewrite it in such a way that there are no rights for Serbs in the north of Kosovo, that these rights are absolutely artificial, while real power should remain in the Albanians’ hands”, Lavrov said.

He added that “the Albanian factor in the Balkans is very serious”, that “the problem may explode”, and that “the European Union, of course, should feel ashamed, because in 2013 they were trumpeting success: we have made it, the problem of Kosovo has been solved”.

“Now, just like on any other issue, when it is necessary to implement agreements, they (the EU) backtrack in favor of the side that is closer to them in this particular case. And they are closer, of course, to Kosovo Albanians, because they have sworn allegiance, they want to join NATO, they want to join in everywhere, and they will faithfully follow the instructions from the European Union”, the Russian Minister said.

Vucic on banning dinars in Kosovo, EU’s request to permit Svecla visit southern Serbia (N1, BETA, Tanjug)

We will fight with all means to prevent the abolition of dinars in Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said from Davos, where he is participating in the World Economic Forum, N1 reports.

Commenting on the European Union's request that Belgrade allow Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla to visit southern Serbia, Vucic said Prisitna is doing everything it can, and that Svecla is asking to be permitted (to visit) in accordance with the agreements. As Vucic said Svecla would come to the territory of central Serbia to provoke.

“But I also requested to go to Kosovo and Metohija and address our people there, and we will fight to keep paying in dinars and to protect our people, but you must be responsible and make wise decisions”, Vucic said. 

Drecun: Payment transactions termination biggest threat to Kosovo Serbs yet (media)

Pristina's termination of payment transactions with central Serbia is perhaps the biggest threat to the survival of Serbs in Kosovo yet, Chairman of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told Tanjug commenting on decision of Pristina to make the euro the only currency for cash and payment transactions.

He said Pristina was demonstrating a "clear intent to make it impossible for Serbs to live a normal life in Kosovo and Metohija as well as survive there". Drecun said he believed Serbia would succeed in alleviating the measure through international activities or find a solution to be able to continue to pay salaries, pensions and welfare benefits to the community and fund the local economy, education and health care service.

"This will now depend on whether the assessment of the leading Western countries is to allow (Albin) Kurti to implement that measure and, by pressuring the Serbs, in fact, pressure Belgrade into being more relenting when it comes to accepting the proposed French-German agreement, or the West will realize this is a boundary that, if crossed, can destroy dialogue completely and destabilize the situation further", Drecun said.

Barbano: EULEX monitored petition, everyone exercised their rights in safe and organized manner (Kosovo Online, social media)

Head of EULEX Giovanni Pietro Barbano said in a post on X network that EULEX in line with its mandate monitored collection of signatures to recall mayors in Leposavic and Mitrovica North, and expressed satisfaction that Kosovo Serbs exercised their rights in a safe and organized manner, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“As mandated, EULEX monitored the collection of signatures. I am glad to note that everyone exercised their rights in a safe and organized manner, as deemed by the RoL. It is crucial that every citizen in all municipalities in the north are afforded the same rights to participate”, Brabano wrote in a post. 

Rohde: Collection of signatures process should commence promptly in two other northern municipalities (Kosovo Online, social media)

German Ambassador in Pristina, Jorn Rohde wrote in a post on X network it is paramount that collection of signatures process commence promptly and unfold seamlessly in two other northern municipalities, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Rohde added that he supports the statement of EU Office Head in Pristina, Tomas Szunyog who said Serbs are using their democratic rights and launching a petition to recall mayors.  

“Wholeheartedly endorsing my colleague @EUAmbKS's statement! It is paramount that the process of gathering the required signatures commences promptly and unfolds seamlessly in the remaining two municipalities as well”, Rohde wrote in a post on X. 

Vuksanovic: Collection of signatures to recall mayor starts in Zvecan (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)

A member of the initiators group from Zvecan Darko Vuksanovic called upon citizens in Zvecan to gather today near the plateau in front of the municipal facility and sign a petition to recall mayor Ilir Peci, Kosovo Online portal reports.

The collection of signatures will commence at 9.00. Vuksanovic told Kosovo Online they encountered obstruction but that they managed to obtain necessary documentation.   

KoSSev portal meanwhile reported that collection of signatures to recall the mayor will start in Zubin Potok today as well, at 9.00 at the Sports hall in this town.