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Mustafa clarifies LDK’s position towards Pacolli and AKR (Express)

LDK leader, Isa Mustafa, said he offered cooperation to Pacolli but he refused because he was confident his party would pass election threshold.

“I have contacted many political parties during the pre-election activity. I met several times with the leader of the Justice Party (PD), Movement for Unification (LB), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo, Albanian Demochristian Party (PSHDK) and the leader of New Kosovo Alliance (AKR). With regards to AKR and Mr. Pacolli, in the last meetings he was very clear about not joining a coalition with PDK. His stance was not a result of my insistence or pressure but his belief that he would pass the threshold. I was convinced we would win and promised he would be part of the government in the future”, said Mustafa.

"I respect the position Mr. Pacolli had in the pre-election process and I am convinced that LDK is very much unified and strong therefore claims that it will split are not going to materialize”, said Mustafa further.