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LDK leader calls for mutual trust (Koha)

As the public is awaiting an agreement between the opposition bloc and the Vetevendosje Movement, Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), writes on his Facebook account about his position vis-à-vis Vetevendosje’s requests. “Good governance is secured by a clear platform that determines the government program, the participation and responsibilities of partners in government and mechanisms that regulate such arrangements. I believe in mutual trust as a basic precondition, because we have seen in the past that important documents were signed but then were not implemented. Through our post-election agreement, we have formed the biggest parliamentary group and it is up to us to propose the Speaker of the Assembly and we will secure enough votes to nominate the Prime Minister. We will continue to develop Kosovo by furthering cooperation with the EU and US and other countries that have supported Kosovo in the processes of independence and state-building. These countries want dialogue to continue and Kosovo will implement agreements that derived from dialogue. Dialogue has given its results: elections were held for the first time throughout Kosovo; representatives of Serbs in the northern municipalities are now part of the Kosovo Assembly, they are integrating. Funds that Serbia allocates for Kosovo Serbs will go through the Kosovo treasury; they will no longer be in the service of Serb and Albanian criminal groups. This has been achieved. Kosovo wants reciprocity and dialogue is held on the basis of reciprocity and with reciprocal entities. The privatization of socially-owned enterprises in Kosovo is in its final stage. There have been many remarks about the process, but I think it is an irreversible process the same way that socially-owned property and the system that it served are irreversible. Therefore, remarks and requests to investigate or evaluate the process of privatization have nothing to do with the fact that there have been flaws in the process. Such flaws should be prosecuted by respective legal mechanisms. Meanwhile, the next government needs to set up mechanisms that will activate these companies and privatized assets and turn them into economic assets, jobs and development. I believe it will be easy for us to find the interest of our agreement, if we clarify whether we want to move backward or forward. I want us to move forward, to save the country from this seizure, crime and a poor economic state. In order to resolve problems from the past, our biggest contribution will be not to interfere and to allow the de-politicization of the judiciary, so that this sector can do its work independently,” Mustafa writes.