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Government backs down, changes the changed bill for Trepca (Koha Online)

The Government of Kosovo held its seventh meeting today, where it approved the Draft Law for Amendment and Change of the Law on Reorganization and Change of Certain Enterprises and Their Property.

The purpose of this bill is to improve the timeliness for the reorganization of certain enterprises under the administration of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, for the purpose of rehabilitation of these enterprises and the return of their sustainability as profitable and beneficial businesses to the economy of Kosovo.

The bill foresees an 18 month deadline for reorganization according to the plan, and the Court can extend 18 months more, which means 36 additional months after the submission of one or more requests to the Court by the administrator.

This change of the draft law came with the change of the draft law “for certain enterprises,” according to which, with the proposal of the Government, the Assembly of Kosovo can bring a decision to remove Trepca from the competency of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo.

All Ministers from the Serbian List that objected harshly the change of the draft law on Trepca, were present at today’s meeting of the government. They visited Belgrade yesterday, and pledged to boycott, however the “boycott” became unsuccessful only because the bill was withdrawn, most probably under the pressure of the international community.