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Kurti: We have not seen the agreement, it was made stealthily (Gazeta Express)

The outgoing leader of Vetevendosje Movement, Albin Kurti, stated today that the agreement between the Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels, was reached stealthily from the population and Assembly of Kosovo.

Being a major opponent of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Kurti said that the participants at the dialogue in Brussels did not have the permission to reach this agreement. “We have not seen the agreement yet, but there is no way for us to see it because the discussions in Brussels, as well as the agreement reached, were done stealthily form the population of Kosovo and the Parliament of the Republic,” Kurti said.

He added that the dialogue in Brussels is not a dialogue for normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, but a dialogue to sabotage Kosovo’s statehood. “Kosovo does not need reconciliation with Serbia, led by Milosevic’s and Seselj’s descendants, Kosovo needs de-colonization,” he said.