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ARK: We will undertake radical measures if Haradinaj is not released (Telegrafi)

The Alliance of the Youths of Kosovo (ARK), the youth forum of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), issued a reaction today against the “unjust and meaningless detention” of their party leader Ramush Haradinaj by the Slovenian authorities. “We have decided to undertake radical actions that can result in unusual circumstances in the country. This is not what we want, but it is the only solution that is being imposed on us. The Alliance of the Youths of Kosovo calls for the mobilization of all its structures throughout Kosovo to engage concretely and directly in expressing the outrage over the Slovenian masquerade which is being silently supported by the non-action of Kosovo institutions and international political stakeholders. Our leader, Ramush Haradinaj, has proved his cooperation with the international law and international friends, and any other attempt, such as this insult by Slovenia, is an unacceptable game with Mr. Haradinaj’s dignity and values he represents. The ARK will not stand by and it will not take responsibility for any eventual escalation in the country if Haradinaj does not return during the day,” the ARK reaction noted.