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Police: We released Kurti on prosecution’s order (Kosovapress/Zeri)

Kosovo Police Spokesperson Baki Kelani denied the allegations of the opposition Vetevendosje former leader Albin Kurti that he was released as a result of the reaction of Vetevendosje activists last night. Kelani said Kurti was released on the order of the prosecutor and it was on the basis of such an order that he was detained and interviewed. Kelani said 15 police officers and 1 person were injured in last night’s clashes between the Vetevendosje supporters and the Kosovo Police. Meanwhile, Kelani told Zeri that Kurti was initially called by a prosecutor for an interview following the opening of teargas cans at the Kosovo Assembly but Kurti was outside Kosovo at the time. “We had to wait for him to return to enforce the order,” said Kelani.