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AAK demands accountability from interior minister and police chief (RTK)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said last night’s detention of Vetevendosje’s former leader and MP Albin Kurti is in conflict to the principles of democracy and the Constitution of Kosovo which stipulates that MPs cannot be detained or arrested for their activity in the Assembly. “The scandal with Albin Kurti was premeditated, calculated and aimed at escalating the situation in order to blame the opposition for violent actions,” a statement issued by AAK reads. According to the party, Kurti’s detention represents an effort by the government to distract the public opinion from the agreements for border demarcation with Montenegro and the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities. The AAK also said that the Kosovo Police general director, Shpend Maxhuni, and Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, ought to be held accountable for Monday’s clashes between the police and Vetevendosje activists. “The opposition is now even more determined to stand by its legitimate demands,” AAK concluded.
