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Pacolli asks Constitutional Court to interpret resolution on election of president (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the New Kosovo Alliance Behgjet Pacolli has addressed the Constitutional Court asking it to interpret the Kosovo Assembly resolution of 2011 stipulating that the next president of Kosovo should be elected directly by the people instead of by Assembly. At the time, the resolution was ratified after a political agreement reached between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Hashim Thaci, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa, and New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) leader Behgjet Pacolli. It was however never implemented and Pacolli claims this represents a breach of the Constitution of Kosovo.  According to the resolution first presidential elections in Kosovo should have taken place no later than six months from the time when required constitutional changes would enter into force. Pacolli states that despite the Assembly forming relevant commissions to work on the necessary constitutional amendments, the process has stalled and has not been voted by the Assembly.