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Ymeri requests resignation of the government and new elections (Gazeta Blic)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, requested the resignation of the government and the creation of conditions for new elections. At a round table with civil society, Ymeri said that the beginning of last year had been marked by mass departures from Kosovo, due to lack of prospects for the future. According to Ymeri, this exodus was worse than the one that took place in the 1990s, because then, people left with the hope of coming back, whereas in 2015, people left out of desperation, with no intention of returning.

According to Ymeri, 2016 has begun differently, with the biggest protests Kosovo has seen since the war. “The desperate citizen has now transformed into a different one who insists that there should be order in Kosovo, that Kosovo should be better,” Ymeri said. Speaking about the establishment of the Association/Community for Serb-majority municipalities, Ymeri said the Constitutional Court concluded that this invention would ruin the constitutional order of Kosovo. “This was an important moment for democracy,” he said requesting accountability of those responsible. “The current coalition made completely different promises during the election campaign, and then acted in a completely  different manner when it came into power,” said Ymeri and stressed that the promise of jobs has not been fulfilled. “Their priority has become the continuance of the dialogue with Serbia, he said. Ymeri further accused the current government of nominating party militants on the boards of independent agencies, stressing that this government has the lowest possible level of credibility, and should therefore leave. “However this is not happening and it is the society's duty to make it leave in order to pave the way for new elections, and a major change, no later than by the first half of 2016,” Ymeri concluded.