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Opposition parties not to take part in tomorrow’s Assembly session (RFE)

Opposition parties – Vetevendosje, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have announced they will not take part in tomorrow’s continuation of the Kosovo Assembly’s plenary session. Adonis Tahiri from Vetevendosje said that since tomorrow’s session is a continuation of last week's, the position not to attend it remains unchanged. “As a united opposition, we boycotted this session last week under the reasons given out by MP Ismail Kurteshi,” said Tahiri. Officials at the AAK said their position against attending the Assembly session is clear. Muharrem Nitaj said AAK MPs refuse to take part in the work of an Assembly “where they cannot exercise their mandate in line with the Constitution and their human dignity.” Nitaj said the decision of the AAK to boycott the Assembly is final and not up for discussion.