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Opposition submits no-confidence motion against government (Kosovapress/Koha)

Kosovo opposition parties officially filed the request for motion of no confidence against the government.  Representatives of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Vetevendosje submitted to the Assembly this morning the no-confidence motion containing signatures of 42 MPs, including several from the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). The Assembly presidency is now obliged to call a special session of the Assembly within five but the no-confidence vote needs to receive the approval of 61 MPs to pass.

Opposition parties take law on KLA veterans to Constitutional Court (RTK/Klan Kosova)

Three opposition parties – Vetevendosje, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – will submit to the Constitutional Court request to review the legality of the amended law on Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veterans passed by the Kosovo Assembly on 30 December 2016. In a statement to the media, Vetevendosje said MPs Aida Derguti and Time Kadrijaj will submit the request today. The opposition claims the law has wrongly categorized KLA veterans.

Mustafa pleased with behavior of opposition parties (Kosovapress)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, expressed on his Facebook profile his satisfaction with the presence of the opposition parties at the Assembly of Kosovo. “After a long break, the entire opposition was today present at the Assembly. Without teargas, or eggs, without scenarios. Concerned more than they should about Serbia, but interested in many matters of Kosovo,” Mustafa wrote.

Opposition demands special commission for border demarcation (RFE)

While preparations are underway by the government of Kosovo to put up for ratification at the Assembly the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, opposition parties claim they will continue efforts to prevent such a scenario from unfolding. According to them, the border demarcation issue requires the setting up of a new, special commission comprised of local experts and representatives of opposition parties.  Vetëvendosje spokesperson, Frashër Krasniqi said that the government should first annul the border demarcation agreement of 26 August and then set up a new commission.

Thaci claims government and opposition relations have improved (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci stated that the unpleasant situations between the government and opposition parties have been overcome. “As far as the government and opposition are concerned, I highly value the current situation, the normality of democratic life. I encourage meetings among the entire leadership, as those of that have taken place in previous days, to discuss significant matters of the country.

Opposition cannot find unity on the next protest (

The Spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Muharrem Nitaj, told the portal the date for the next protest will be decided during this week, and the possibility for the protest to take place this week or very soon after, is not excluded. “So far, there is no decision on the precise date of the protest,” Nitaj said.

The last chance (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper, writes that Kosovo is in danger of becoming a dysfunctional and corrupted Republic, lacking rule of law, economic development and being led by an incriminated oligarchy which leads the state and businesses. “In order to prevent this national tragedy, the current governing should end as soon as possible,” notes the paper. “In democracy, this happens through elections, which in Kosovo’s case are also corrupted by major parties that have caught the state and ballot boxes.

Opposition parties not to take part in tomorrow’s Assembly session (RFE)

Opposition parties – Vetevendosje, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have announced they will not take part in tomorrow’s continuation of the Kosovo Assembly’s plenary session. Adonis Tahiri from Vetevendosje said that since tomorrow’s session is a continuation of last week's, the position not to attend it remains unchanged. “As a united opposition, we boycotted this session last week under the reasons given out by MP Ismail Kurteshi,” said Tahiri.

Teargas at the Assembly (media)

As the Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Sabri Hamiti, was making, as he said, a short statement, which was the last announced speech for today’s session at the Assembly, teargas was thrown from the seats where the opposition MPs were seated. After this, Deputy President of the Assembly, from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Xhavit Haliti announced a ten minute break.

Graffiti “let us live our lives and not protest” (Koha) editorial room received an anonymous package with pictures of  graffiti against the three opposition leaders. “This action intends to show the true egos of the three opposition leaders who are destroying everything, including our daily lives, they are blocking holidays and squares only because someone like Hashim Thaci is a candidate for president.