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Opposition cannot find unity on the next protest (

The Spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Muharrem Nitaj, told the portal the date for the next protest will be decided during this week, and the possibility for the protest to take place this week or very soon after, is not excluded. “So far, there is no decision on the precise date of the protest,” Nitaj said.

Representatives of Vetevendosje movement do not prefer to give details on the next protest. “We are in the phase of discussions, but we have not decided on the date of the protest yet,” said Vetevendosje representative, Adonis Tahiri.

Opposition had planned to protest last Saturday, but the decision was annulled only a day before the protest, due to the disagreements among the opposition parties.

Before and after this decision, a division spirit was noticed among the opposition parties, especially between the AAK and Vetevendosje.