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Tahiri: We will not discuss Kosovo assets with Serbia (

Kosovo’s dialogue minister Edita Tahiri said the statement of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic that Trepca mine belongs to Serbia is part of his election campaign. “The media know that in time of campaigns, there are illusionary statements made for political marketing aims,” Tahiri said in an interview.  Tahiri dismissed possibility of the Trepca mine ownership issue being discussed in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade saying that this is one of Pristina’s red lines. “Our position on Trepca and other Kosovo state assets has been made clear in Brussels. The state and the people of Kosovo are owners of Kosovo assets,” she said while also ruling out Vucic’s idea that the Ujman/Gazivoda water plant is jointly managed by Kosovo and Serbia. She instead suggested Serbia ought to get ready to recognise Kosovo. On the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, Tahiri said its statute has not entered the drafting process yet but reiterated that the EU and Serbia are aware that it will have to be in line with the Kosovo Constitutional Court’s decision.