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Thaci to Admiral Ferguson: Kosovo expects establishment of political dialogue with NATO (Klan Kosova)

President Thaçi said that the North Atlantic Alliance remains the key to stability in Kosovo and in the region, adding that KFOR is the most trusted institution among the people of Kosovo.
He said that Kosovo expects to establish a political dialogue with NATO and to enter into contractual relations with the alliance. “Kosovo Security Force has carried out the necessary reforms and is ready to be transformed into an army, a multiethnic force. The armed forces will be ready to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme”, he added.
He added that ninety percent of Kosovo’s population is pro-NATO and that momentum should be seized more proactively, because any delay in the integration processes would open road to extremist ideologies.

The United States Navy admiral, Mark E. Ferguson III said that the national priorities such as rule of law, fighting corruption and organized crime ensure that Kosovo will have fewer threats to which NATO would have to respond. “This is a good sign of stabilization and normalization of Kosovo. We are pleased with KSF’s reforms”, admiral Ferguson said.

President Thaçi concluded that Kosovo is a leader in the region in combating extremism and radicalism.

“Kosovo is the only country in the region that has taken concrete steps in this respect. We have passed legislation that bans participation in foreign wars. We have conducted awareness raising campaigns so that the public is not deceived by terrorist and criminal organizations such as ISIS. No Kosovar has joined terrorist groups in the past six months”, president Thaçi said.