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KDI: Demarcation uncertainties to be clarified before deal is sent to Assembly (Koha)

The Pristina-based Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) issued a media communique today saying that uncertainties surrounding the border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro should be clarified, before the Kosovo government sends the demarcation deal for ratification to the Assembly. The communique notes: “Nearly one year after the signing of the agreement on the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, there is a need for an open parliamentary debate on the matter. The delineation of Kosovo’s borders is important for its political future and overall security. Moreover, the European Commission has said that the quick resolution of the agreement is a criteria for visa liberalisation for Kosovo. Allegations by experts and residents of the affected region that the state committee could have made errors during the delineation of the border with Montenegro have produced opposition from opposition parties and were followed by non-parliamentary actions. As a result, the Assembly is not completely functional and this is having a direct impact on the efficiency of other state institutions. The Assembly, as the highest institution in the country, is obliged to hold the government accountable and to address the concerns of the people and to provide a solution. Although this process requires a speedy solution, there is no reason to engage in hasty and irreversible decisions. MP Shpejtim Bulliqi’s initiative, supported by 20 MPs, for a debate between the state committee and experts on the matter, should be considered by leaders of institutions as it is a real opportunity for genuine debate. The readiness of opposition parties to return to the Assembly to discuss the demarcation issue and to renounce non-parliamentary actions is a new political momentum that should be taken seriously by the government and the ruling coalition. KDI believes that challenges can be overcome through debate and if addressed jointly and in the interest of the state and the people. KDI calls on the Government and Assembly to support and encourage a parliamentary debate, public hearings or other forms of presenting arguments before the demarcation deal is sent for ratification to the Assembly. This would ensure greater transparency in the process and would contribute to a comprehensive dialogue and broad-based social consensus to conclude the matter. KDI expects MPs, political parties in the Government and Assembly, to show maturity and readiness to assume responsibilities and respect constitutional and state obligations”.