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President Thaci will ask for resolution of Rugova murder attempt and post-war killings (Klan Kosova)

The TV station reports that Kosovo’s President, Hashim Thaci, will give a press conference today at 15:00 hours. According to Klan Kosova, Thaci will call on Kosovo’s judiciary, namely the state prosecution, to shed light on the murder attempt on late President Ibrahim Rugova and several post-war killings that were often qualified as politically-motivated. Thaci will reportedly also call on the prosecution to conduct serious investigations into the raping of Albanian women by Serbian troops during the war and other crimes that Slobodan Milosevic’s regime carried out in Kosovo. President Thaci will also call for investigations into the killing of 14 Serbs in Gracke, near Lipjan, and also other killings of Serbs in the post-war period.