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Opposition against “Unity Team” for talks with Serbia (Lajmi)

The opposition parties in Kosovo, the Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have not welcomed a proposal by Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, to have a “Unity Team” for the third round of talks with Belgrade. Vetevendosje and NISMA officials are claiming that Tahiri’s proposal implies new concessions vis-à-vis Serbia, while the AAK believes that the format of talks is more important than the representation. During her report to the Kosovo Assembly committee on foreign affairs on Wednesday, Tahiri said that for the third round of talks, Pristina should have a team similar to the one in the Vienna talks. “In my opinion, for the third phase of dialogue which is expected to conclude with the mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia, we need a team that includes the President of Kosovo and all other institutions,” Tahiri said. Tinka Kurti from the Vetevendosje Movement told the news website that Kosovo’s delegation made concessions in the Brussels talks the same as during the Vienna negotiations. “The history of negotiations shows that this dialogue was initiated in a wrong way in the sense that Serbia was never conditioned and consequent concessions were made in every round of talks. The same happened during the Vienna negotiations. The latter were never a good model, despite the fact that Ms. Tahiri tries to promote it in this way and trying to distribute the failures and responsibilities within an all-party unity group,” she said. Kurti also added that the Vetevendosje Movement would not engage in dialogue without conditions for Serbia. Muharrem Nitaj, member of the AAK chairmanship and spokesman for the party, said the format of dialogue needs to change. “If the format and content of talks with Serbia changes with the final objective of mutual recognition between the two countries, then the AAK would support the process,” he said. Bilall Sherifi from NISMA argued that Tahiri’s proposal implies new concessions. He said: “If Edita Tahiri wants a format of dialogue similar to the Vienna talks this means they are preparing for new concessions with Serbia. Because if the process involved topics beneficial for Kosovo, neither Edita nor her superiors would have invited us”. The news website recalls that even Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci, has indicated changes to the format of talks between Pristina and Belgrade.