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Rasic considers Serbian List’s not bringing down Kosovo government , a defeat (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Serbian List, Nenad Rasic said since PDK and LDK did not respect the agreement, the best thing would have been to bring down the government. “Perhaps this was our greatest defeat, because we did not manage to implement this policy in the field. We are now dealing with utopic politics, because we are not producing anything good for the citizens, and if we do it, that is too little and it only brings concern and major dissatisfaction,” Rasic said.

Mandates of a number of Serbian MPs expire on 7 April. If they do not return to the Assembly by then, they will remain without mandates. Commenting on the step of some of the Serb MPs, who went to the Assembly to register, Rasic said that it was an act of rescue and added that he is obliged to act in the same manner.

Asked if there is a dignified way for Serbs to return to Kosovo institutions, Rasic said “there is no dignified way. The minimum that we should gain is initiative for the statute of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities. This is the minimum. If the matter of the Association is silenced further, there is no chance for our return at institutions, because we have nothing to say.”

 Speaking about the decision of the government to nationalize Kosovo’s wealth from former Yugoslavia, Rasic expressed conviction that this cannot happen without Belgrade’s consent. “Succession is a judicial document which is confirmed between parties, which should be involved in process of division of property,” Rasic said and added that he would want his colleagues in Pristina to be aware that they do not possess legal ground.

Rasic finally expressed dissatisfaction of Serbs for not being informed about the discussions in Brussels and added that professional Kosovo Serbs should also participate in the dialogue.