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CDHRF urges authorities to investigate detainee’s death (Klan Kosova)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has called on Kosovo authorities to investigate the death of one of the detainees at the Lipjan detention facility. The detainee, Naser Makolli, was a former cellmate of Vetevendosje activist, Astrit Dehari, who also died whilst in detention. CDHRF said it had interviewed Makolli several months ago as a witness in Dehari’s death but he never complained of any medical issues. CDHRF said Makolli’s death is very concerning and calls for speedy and professional investigation. “Kosovo’s Correctional Service and Prison’s Healthcare Service is morally, materially, and legally responsible for the safety of people deprived of freedom and their treatment in accordance to the Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions and international standards,” CDHRF said in a statement.