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Mustafa: No-confidence motion, “political pamphlet”

Before the voting of the co-confidence motion sponsored by the opposition parties, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said it was a “political pamphlet” containing false arguments. “The motion is aimed at destabilizing the country by fuelling mistrust with the institutions and creating an institutional vacuum to hide corrupt affairs,” he said in his speech before the Assembly members. Facts are different, he said and went on to list achievements which he said were reached during his government’s mandate. He mentioned in this respect Kosovo having the highest economic growth in the region, with the best police force in the region and best track record in the fight against terrorism. Furthermore, Mustafa said, Kosovo gained membership in international organisations during his term in office and secured five new recognitions. It also gained a telephone code and managed to save Trepca mining complex from bankruptcy. “It is the first government to sign a contractual agreement with the EU, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. “All these achievements speak volumes of the credibility of the government,” said Mustafa. He said he was proud of the people he worked with as none of them were involved in any corrupt activity and that whatever the epilogue of the motion, “we will come out victorious.”