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Zbogar: I would take my hat off in respect to women from Krusha e Madhe (Koha Ditore)

Head of EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said that he takes his hat off in respect to the women of Krusha e Madhe. He made the comments in the inauguration of a new food processing facility in the village.  “I am very happy that we are opening this factory that will create new jobs and better living conditions”, said Zbogar. He added that the EU-funded project is part of a bigger project which also involves the municipality of Suhareka.

Director of the facility, Fahrije Hoti, said women of Krusha e Madhe have demonstrated they can survive as the only breadwinners in the family as majority of the village men were killed by Serbian forces. “But the battle for survival overcame our pain. We came together to change our lives and with the initiative of the widowed women in 2010 we set up the women’s agricultural farm”, said Hoti. She added that the farm currently employs 24 women staff.