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Not known if UN will support petition for raped women (dailies)

The United Nations has not given any sign of significant support to the initiative which seeks justice for women raped in Kosovo during the conflict. The petition, which collected 120,000 signatures in July, requests the UN to draft a report and establish a tribunal which would prosecute these crimes. The initiator of this petition, Edita Tahiri, has not said when this petition will be sent as an official request to the UN. Additional details were not given by the Office of the Spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. One of that office’s public relations officials, Devi Palanivelu, said that this issue is being considered at the level of the cabinet of the UN Secretary-General. “The UN is informed about the issue and we are currently considering it. As far as the details and results are concerned, we can talk later,” Palanivelu told Radio Kosova. Joel Mermet, head of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Kosovo , stated that it is still impossible to make any assessment. “The issue is now about what you have in that petition. There are many cases in the world where civil society initiates petitions and addresses the UN through official channels. In this case the petition is an individual initiative but still she [Edita Tahiri] is a Deputy Prime Minister and we have to be clear about the status of this initiative,” said Mermet.