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New pre-election lessons (Koha Ditore)

Columnist Lumir Abdixhiku criticizes the opposition for failing to prepare a detailed government plan on every sector and on every topic. According to Abdixhiku, the Vetevendosje Movement risks strengthening the government by attacking other opposition parties. “And perhaps this is their ultimate goal: to destroy the entire opposition and to present itself as a worthy alternative for future elections and not these ones”. Abdixhiku argues that the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) is the biggest comedy of this election campaign, because despite being part of the current government the AKR still says that the current government deserves to fall. “This party and their leader deserve a permanent retirement from the political scene … Until yesterday, they served as the right hand to the person that they now accuse of crime … Only six months ago, the AKR leader said Hashim Thaci deserves the Nobel Prize for his contribution to governance; he also said that ‘the current government is the best government Kosovo ever had’. How is it possible in less than six months to call the same government the best one and a criminal? Hypocrites” Abdixhiku writes.
