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Deputies, do not sell to Hashim Thaçi (Zëri)

According to Lavdim Hamidi, whenever the outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi faces difficulties, he uses millions from the budget of Kosovo for political benefits. “This is how he acted on the verge of 8 June elections when he increased salaries of public servants, pensions, an made many other promises only to obtain more votes for his party,” he writes adding that in this manner Thaçi compensated party’s loss after Fatmir Limaj, Jakup Krasniqi and many others left PDK.

“However, he says, Thaçi’s war to obtain his third mandate as Prime Minister is not over. His “New Mission” is smuggling of opposition deputies. The latter will be soon offered (if this did not already happen,) many political and financial possibilities if they vote for Thaçi as Prime Minister. Some of the young deputies might be tempted by enormous financial amounts and discouraged by eventual disagreements among opposition coalition on the candidates, however they should not forget that such action could end their political carrier. Such deputies will never manage to become credible politicians of perspective. They will only join the clan of some mercenaries who step on the voters’ dignity for personal, narrow interests.

Opposition deputies managed to gain the mandate by criticizing Thaçi’s government and by promising a completely different manner of governing. Their determination to fight Thaçi’s bad governance should not be jeopardized for money, not even for enormous sums,” writes Hamidi.