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Riad Asllani’s example (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi addresses two ongoing issues in today’s column: decision of the education minister to allow automatic enrollment of 1,000 children of the KLA veterans to the University of Pristina (UP) and political developments relating to the formation of the new government. On the first topic, Matoshi says the decision of the Education Minister, Rame Buja, presents interference in UP - a learning institution that is supposed to be autonomous and free of political influence. In the chain of reactions that Buja’s decision triggered, Matoshi singles that of the son of one of KLA veterans, Riad Asllani, who came out against the idea of this category enjoying special privileges just because they belong to those who fought in KLA. While the majority of UP students defend the view of Rector, Ramadan Zejnullahu, not to give in to pressure from politics, Riad Asllani’s support was exemplary, writes Matoshi.

At the same time, the opposition bloc, known initially as LAN and later VLAN when Vetevendosje joined, proclaimed that the guiding principle behind their decision to join forces was to put an end to Kosovo’s bad governance by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and restore hope. As such, the Bloc received a wide support from the citizens but it turns out that personal posts were the things that united the leaders of the Bloc. “An ordinary Kosovo citizen would feel deceived and humiliated it LDK and Isa Mustafa become walking crutches for PDK and [Hashim] Thaci”, writes Matoshi. He says that leaders who signed the post-election coalition agreement should sober up, if not too late, and remain together to give Kosovo a good governance and bring back its dignity.