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Why have Kosovo politicians no empathy for the citizens (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s columnist and Brussels correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, writes that now when the wave of migration of the people of Kosovo to EU countries has subsided, the EU wants a debate and efforts in Kosovo focus on two aspects: to repatriate those who migrated to EU over the last months and to address issues that led to the migration influx. However, Palokaj is skeptical that Kosovo politicians will undertake concrete steps to address causes of migration because they still believe that the people had no valid reasons to leave Kosovo. “This is evident in the way they speak when talking about citizens’ problems. Some tell the citizens not to have so many children if they are unable to support them while others blame the Serbs, even when they are blameless,” writes Palokaj alluding to recent statements by Kosovo ministers. He says that that Kosovo politicians need to be very careful with what they say. Just the fact they are in power means that they have to be accountable for their actions and statements. European Parliament’s rapporteur, Ulrike Lunacek, was right when she said she hoped the recent mass migration would serve as a wake-up call for Kosovo politicians but Palokaj fears that judging by their statements, these officials are still in a deep sleep.