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Natasa (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that the Serbian human rights activist, Natasa Kandic, is probably the only person who has shown great commitment and achieved most results in denouncing war crimes in Kosovo. “Natasa Kandic was the only reporter during the war in Kosovo of killings and terrible expulsions of Albanians,” writes Kelmendi adding that Kandic also submitted hundreds and hundreds of evidence of crimes Serb forces committed in Kosovo which have led to conviction of many people. At present, it is Kandic and the organization she founded, the Humanitarian Law Centre, on trial for accusing the head of the Serbian army for involvement in war crimes in Kosovo, recounts Kelmendi. At the same time, is it Kandic and her organization that published the Kosovo Memory Book containing the names of all people killed, fallen or missing during the conflict, an enterprise which, stresses Kelmendi, no Kosovo institution of government has so far undertaken. In this light, awarding Kandic honorary citizenship by the Gjakova/Djakovica municipality does not so much honour Kandic as much as it honours the city that is awarding the title, adds Kelmendi.  “If Serbs had more people like Natasa Kandic, it would probably not have come to the war and suffering and pain in Kosovo. And if Kosovo had a Natasa Kandic, it would probably be much better off today.”