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On inclusion of women in business (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku in his weekly column writes that the fact remains that Kosovo women continue to be more constrained and marginalized than men in most part of social life but what is of interest is the women involvement in the business sector. Abdixhiku says that only one in nine businesses in Kosovo are today run by women and when this figure is compared to other developing countries, it is evident that even in this grouping, Kosovo lags behind. In Kosovo, businesses owned by women usually record lower revenues than those owned by men and in 2014, only 28 percent of businesses ran by women showed profit while the rest were either stagnant or had a profit decline. With businesses owned by men, this figure stands at 35 percent. Abdixhiku considers that the Kosovo society should benefit more from women entrepreneurs and to make this possible, there needs to be a system in place for promoting women business initiatives and for removing obstacles that prevent this. Kosovo women have a lot to offer to the economy and Kosovo should use this advantage, concludes Abdixhiku.