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Hundred days of Kosovo government, in pajamas (Gazeta Blic)

Astrit Gashi writes that Mustafa’s new government has marked three unknown records so far, during its first 100 days. For the first time, he writes, the first quarter finds the government of Kosovo without an endorsed governing program by the Assembly. Furthermore, being that the Assembly has not received the endorsed draft of the government, the public opinion would have been in a complete dark, if Gazeta Blic and movement FOL did not publish it.

“The government is not completed either. Governing cabinets lack many deputy ministers, advisers and other staff. This has not happened in the past.

PM Mustafa has spent these three months saying NO, to many things that his predecessor, Hashim Thaci said yes. His NOs are cold and they freeze the hopes of the teachers for increase of salaries, or the collective contract and implementation of an incomprehensible decision of the Constitutional Court to compensate the workers of the pipe factory.

The only YES of the new Prime Minister is the one said to the Democratic Party of Kosovo for co-governance. He also had a Y’NO when he made the decision to dismiss the Serb minister, Jablanovic, after the protests of the opposition, one of them becoming violent and ending up with injured policemen and protesters.

The greatest trouble is to find the achievements and results of this government, a tiny one considered to be forgiveness of the old debts and promises for some fiscal reforms. Let us also say that there were no corruption affairs during these three months, however this is not unusual for the start.

And, nothing else. NADA!

After a stormy start with dissatisfaction, protests, violence, Mustafa’s government appears to have stabilized. Stabilized, as the new chief of the government wants it be. However, in order to govern well and to mark results, pajamas have to be taken off and work should start. So far, this government is keeping them on with pride,” concludes Gashi.