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The bells of the opposition (Koha Ditore)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes in his opinion piece that “if the three opposition parties do not carry out thorough reforms in their structures and approach, the potential of those who are not satisfied [with the government] will continue to remain scattered and as such powerless vis-à-vis a government that has great power and arrogance”. Kelmendi notes that the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo must first prove that they seriously want to return the institutions to the people and not simply replace the parties that are squatting the government and capturing the state. “Unfortunately, the three opposition parties have so far failed to convince the people that they are fighting for them and the latest example that proved this was the opposition’s failure to mobilize the unsatisfied citizenry in the recent protest. Why citizens, who are unsatisfied with the current government, are not seeing the three opposition parties as an alternative? The answer to this question could be that all three parties, without any difference, have showed that they have senior leaderships that have captured their parties and that they have often displayed strong signs of capturing the municipalities where they are in power,” Kelmendi argues.