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Mustafa's devilish game with President Rugova's son (Gazeta Blic)

Florim Zeqa criticizes in his opinion piece the current Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, for not keeping the promises made during the election campaign. Mentioning the promises to reduce the governing cabinet, return of the Dardanian flag and change of Kosovo’s anthem, fighting of those who have caught up Kosovo as well as the organized crime to the promise for economic development and creation of 120 thousand jobs, Zeqa writes that not only that the promises have not been kept, but Mustafa is doing the opposite.

 “Instead of reducing the number of the ministers he nominated an enormous number of deputy ministers, advisers, drivers, hair dressers, bodyguards and elegant secretaries. Delays in nomination of the deputy ministers and senior advisers were made due to the personal interests of the leaders of the governing coalition, Thaci and Mustafa,” Zeqa writes. He adds that the manner of nominating people reflects the distrust that the two governing parties have for each other.

 He considers that recent nomination of the son of Kosovo’s late President, Ibrahim Rugova, Mendim Rgova in the position of the Deputy Minister at the Ministry for Spatial Planning, is Mustafa’s devilish game. After his political corruption of joining the coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Mustafa has decided to corrupt the Rugova family. Zeqa considers that Mendim Rugova might deserve even more than this position but not with the current government. “Inclusion of President Rugova’s son in the current governing, does not serve any honor to Rugova family and to Mendim himself…I do not know if Mr. Mendim Rugova is aware that with his presence at the most megalomaniac government in Europe, at the most corrupt and blackmailed government in the region, with or without his will, he has become part of those who have caught up the state, part of interest groups, political pirates who robbed everything that was on their way during the last seven years. Except for becoming multi-millionaires, they violated every single humanitarian and national principle, leaving in poverty and without hope an entire population,” writes Zeqa, advising finally Mendim Rugova to give up the position at this government.