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Invitation for democratic debate with Muslim Kosovars (Koha Ditore)

Opinion writer of this daily, Halil Matoshi, considers that the global anti-terror war in Kosovo is fabricated. “Without wanting to deny Al-Qaeda’s immorality and especially ISIS’s brutality, it should be stressed that our “guilty conscience” at this era which the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard assesses as the beginning of the fourth world war, in Kosovo is only an invention,” he writes. According to him, this war against global terror, respectively Islamic Fascism, in Kosovo’s case is only a propagandistic war of a certain part of political leadership, of almost the entire media specter and security mechanisms. “I have said it several times in the media and I continue to consider that this does not mean that there are no fanatics of religious ideology, that there are no treacherous criminals and numerous mercenaries who believe in dogma, but the spiritual constitution of a Kosovo Albanian never accepts to become a shelter to fascist ideology, such as political Islam which does not distinguish Albanians or Kosovars as free and modern people who coughed the last train of the western civilization, with the help of which they gained state and national freedom,” writes Matoshi. He is convinced that Kosovo Albanians would never allow this global evil to spread “in Dardania territories.”

Matoshi is in favor of a general and permanent society dialogue with religious communities, especially with Albanians including those who participated in ISIS terror. He also considers that the Law on religious communities should preciously stress that each believer of any religion is obliged to sign loyalty to the fatherland, Kosovo. However, he adds, Kosovars should be sophisticated and they should not fabricate a fictive enemy for political reasons, only “to save the blotted face of the current political class, because by using the police and arresting without reason, the enemy grows in an arithmetical proportion.”  Matoshi writes that Kosovo should change the perspective of the people, by providing better education and jobs instead of beating them and labeling them as “terrorists” and “enemies” with an unbearable easiness.