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In effort to read logically some illogical agreements (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi considers that the agreement for the free movement between Pristina and Belgrade, is not reciprocal. He notes that despite the fact that the agreement was a necessity, it in fact “only mended the problem, without resolving it. Seeing the reactions and Serbia’s damage caused to Kosovo, and reach of the two agreements for free movement without resolving the problem, Minister Tahiri stated in half voice that Serbia should accept Kosovo license plates, or Kosovo party would in a certain time implement the reciprocal measures. I do not think that Minister Tahiri expects from Belgrade to accept to sit around the table for the third time and discuss with Pristina “the agreement for the free movement.” Because Serbia’s problem got resolved in a perfect manner – there is no change of license plates, no additional fees and no additional security policies. To them, this already belongs to the past, no matter that Albanian drivers from Kosovo will continue to be maltreated, humiliated and pay a certain amount in order to travel for health reasons, to continue further to Europe or visit family in Presevo Valley. Belgrade would accept to open this issue again only if Pristina decides to exercise complete reciprocity measures.

Even though I consider that it is good that Pristina so far has not used the same discriminating policies as Belgrade, demonstrating in this manner that it respects its people equally no matter their ethnicity, no other way but reciprocity measure is left. Kosovo should start from September to apply the regime of changing the license plates at the border for all the vehicles from Serbia, as well as implement reciprocal fees. I am convinced that this form would definitely bring renegotiation of the agreement and end of the discrimination for Kosovo Albanian drivers,” concludes Kelmendi.