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Donika is the hero, not Albin (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that the only true hero in these recent events in Kosovo is the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Donika Kadaj-Bujupi and certainly not Vetevendosje’s former leader Albin Kurti. Kadaj-Bujupi stood up to defend a political cause through means and ways she saw necessary. She demanded the revocations of agreements on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and border demarcation with Montenegro and to achieve these goals she consciously released teargas at the Assembly chamber, writes Kelmendi while Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and his deputy Hashim Thaci in an unprecedented case, called these actions criminal and called on law enforcement authorities to take measures. Promptly, an arrest warrant was issued for Kadaj-Bujupi and she did not resist her arrest despite considering it politically-motivated. In the court, she maintained she does not regret her actions and pledged to repeat them given the chance. “MP Donika Kadaj-Bujupi did her bit,” says Kelmendi. However, Kurti did not make this heroic gesture. Instead, considering himself to be above all the rest of MPs, Kurti chose to hide from the police and even programmed the day of his arrest, writes Kelmendi further. “He [Kurti] chose 28 November to martyrize himself and to humiliate and endanger all the others. And when I say all the others, I mean first of all his party colleagues, the opposition and the people of Kosovo.” Were he not that self-absorbed, writes Kelmendi of Kurti, he would realize that the 28 November opposition rally would be sufficiently great and dignified with speeches only from opposition leaders, Ymeri, Haradinaj, Limaj. Kurti’s decision to appear at the rally risked the compactness of the opposition and made his party’s offices get surrounded by the police and arrest of over 90 fellow party members.