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The number 20.000 and number 0 (Koha Ditore)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi in his opinion piece today stresses that justice has not been delivered for around 20 thousand sexual violence victims in Kosovo. “Zero is the number of sentences that have been imposed by the courts in cases of rape, 16 years after the war. While 20 thousand is the number of women raped by Serbian forces during the years 98-99. The worst thing is that in Kosovo same as in Serbia, dealing with criminal and transitional justice has remained hostage of the unresolved political problem. The fact that Serbia has not recognized Kosovo yet has made the theme of war crimes to be used only when it is convenient for the politicians. Also the issue of the Albanian and non-Albanian missing persons rises only when a political party from the opposition wants to attack the government, and vice versa. Two countries that pretend to be part of the European democratic family, remember the number of war victims only when for political reasons. The final clarification of Kosovo and Serbia relations - which means the recognition of Kosovo's independence from Serbia - would create much more space to deal honestly with the war victims and to punish those responsible for these crimes. However, in the meanwhile, there is no excuse that civil societies of both countries do not apply greater pressure on state institutions to deal with this issue," concludes Kelmendi.