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Rescue and savior in the war for Thaci’s seat (Gazeta Blic)

Beqe Cufaj considers today that frustration and conclusion that the current opposition which raises only the issues of the “Association” and “Demarcation” cannot be supported, is understandable. To him, the current opposition is only the other side of the coin, or different faces with the same intention. He regrets for the lack of a third wing or an alternative that would breach the dreams of current politicians for power and corruption. “I say that Albanians, not only in Kosovo but in the entire Balkans, do not have the experience or the readiness to enter new paths. This is the reason for their current position: the worst possible one,” writes Cufaj.

He notes that the reason for this is that Albanians for the first time in history are free, and they cannot or they do not know how or they do not want to reach the step of the occidental civilization for the state of law and a policy with clear national and patriotic interests. This is the reason of Saturday’s revolt, he notes, not in support of Albin, Ramush or Fatmir but due to the irritation from the enrichment of politicians through public funds, especially public money.

Cufaj notes that opposition parties are mistaken if they consider that the population would listen to them. “Opposition should reach down to the soul catacombs of the people of this country, research, analyze and finally reflect why they consider that the time for changes has come. For now, he adds, the three leaders of the opposition parties are far from this determinant step.

According to Cufaj this is the reason why the current leaders of the governing coalition felt safe on Monday to give interviews blaming the opposition for violence and speaking about the position of the President, trying to prove unity and fulfillment of the agreements.

In fact he notes both Thaci and Mustafa feel insecure and aware that the opposition is getting stronger and that the population is dissatisfied with the largest government in Europe and the most disgusting corruption that could be only found in Africa. They are aware that everything can change within hours, due to the persistence of the opposition and silence of the international community, “especially of the Americans who are very cold in their political calculations for their colony, Kosovo. Behind them are Germans and British, who are always together when this country is concerned,” writes Cufaj.

He considers that a new phase, that of the competition for Thaci’s seat in one hand and the efforts to bring Thaci and Mustafa down on the other, will start from this Tuesday. “There will be clashes. Some will survive and the others will go. Only the citizens of Kosovo will remain determinant in their aim for a better life and hope for a better future, the same future as the one in the rest of Europe,” Cufaj concludes.