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About political amorality (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku, considers that it is already clear that the new political generation, just as their predecessors, does not recognize moral as an element of policy making. “While the older ones used to hide their dirty political businesses of embezzlement and usurpation, the younger ones mock the others and express them openly with miserable public bragging.”  Abdixhiku warns that this reduces the regenerating potential of Kosovo, while increasing challenges against the capturing of the state.

 Things do not seem to be good, and unfortunately, as the time is passing, they are becoming even graver. Therefore it is an imperative to react as soon as possible, writes Abdixhiku and adds that the current comfort of Kosovo society, at the time when politicians, even the mediocre ones, publicly joke about selling their votes, is inexplicable. “This comfort gives them more reason to behave in the same manner.”

 Abdixhiku considers that reaction would impose a new standard that the others would have to respect. "It might seem a minor one, but sooner or later, it will produce a new political culture in Kosovo,” he concludes.