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Exclusive: Hashim Thaci and Blerim Shala are designing the future government (gazetaexpress)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) tried these days to send AAK, Vetevendosje and Nisma to opposition, by reaching an agreement with PDK. In order to reach this, he plans “to gain support” of the General Council of his party today. However, his partners decoded this game.

While Isa Mustafa is making his last efforts to give a deadly blow to the coalition block, through some minor games at the General Council of his party,  his former partners have undertaken concrete measures to push him towards opposition.

Sources of Gazeta Express claim that negotiations to design the future governing coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA,) have already started.

“Blerim Shala, in behalf of AAK and NISMA is already discussing with Hashim Thaci the future government,” said an official from AAK, who preferred to remain anonymous.

He reconfirmed the position of this party for Ramush Haradinaj to be the Prime Minister of the government shared among PDK, AAK, NISMA and minorities.

The news was also confirmed by officials from the initiative for Kosovo.

Blerim Shala, the principal deputy leader of AAK, is also member of the Kosovo government team in negotiations with Serbia, held in Brussels. It appears that he has built very good relations with the leader of PDK, Hashim Thaci.

AAK official also said that many issues with PDK will be defined during the day. He has denied any possibility of going back. “No, no…everything is over with LDK,” he said.