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Serbs in Kosovo not asked about the draft law on Trepca (Blic)

The Kosovo government has formed a commission to deal with the draft law on Trepca, but representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo have opposed it and have pointed out that the Serbian community should have a decisive voice in terms of assets in the predominantly Serbian areas.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric says that Pristina was refusing any talks about the property.

Commenting on the formation of the commission, Djuric recalled that the discussion was on something that has no substantive connection with property other than that of the creditors of Trepca, namely companies owned by the Republic of Serbia and the government, or the state of Serbia, which is the majority owner of Trepca.

Djuric said that Belgrade was the right address for the talk on Trepca.

Kosovo government has formed a commission to draft a law on Trepca. The Commission has 16 members, of which two are from the Serbian community.

Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government in Kosovo, Ljubomir Maric, told reporters that the committee will not comprise of representatives from Trepca management in Zvecan/Zveqan, or the union or academic community. He continued saying that if the Commission is a formality and that if participation of Serbs is only used for the confirmation of the process then this is not an honest or fair attitude.