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KFOR spokesman says ROSU intervened after shots fired at police (Politika, B92, N1, Tanjug)

KFOR spokesman Colonel Vincenzo Grasso told Belgrade daily Politika that the Kosovo police special unit ROSU intervened after shots were fired at police officers in the north of Kosovo.

“Shots were fired at the regular police after the road to Zubin Potok was blocked and a police officer was wounded. Opening fire at the police and obstructing their operations is against the law. The intervention by the Kosovo police special unit was just a reaction to that violent behaviour,” Grasso said.

Serbian FM Dacic to VoA: Pristina preparing operation to take over Trepca (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Voice of America, after a UN Security Council session devoted to the latest UNMIK report on the situation in Kosovo, that the authorities in Pristina are planning to take over the Trepca mining complex and are setting explosive devices in the north of Kosovo.

Djuric: Pristina's platform “commits premeditated murder of dialogue” (FoNet, TV N1, TV Pink)

Pristina's platform on the dialogue on normalization of relations with Belgrade hammers the last nail in the talks’ coffin and commits “premeditated murder of the dialogue,” Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said, FoNet news agency reported today.

KFOR denies knowledge of Pristina's plans (Tanjug, B92)

KFOR is not aware of Pristina's alleged intention to raid northern Kosovo and takes over the Trepca (mining complex), claims KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso.

Commenting on media reports that KFOR knows about Pristina's plan, the spokesperson of this military mission calls on everyone to refrain from provoking unnecessary tensions by placing unverified information that causes unwarranted concern among the population.

Serbian FM: Don't come for Trepca, don't play with fire (Tanjug, B92)

All international factors have been told clearly that any military intervention undermining the Brussels deal with NATO and KFOR would cause Serbia's reaction. Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic said this on Wednesday.

"Everyone knows well that no one must play with fire and expect Serbia not to react. Serbia will react," Dacic told reporters in response to questions about reports of the Kosovo authorities' plans to mount a raid on a Trepca plant in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Tanjug is reporting.

Blic: Albanians preparing to invade Trepca, KFOR knows it? (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo authorities plan to have special police units storm in and take over the Trepca (mining complex) plant in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. That is according to a report in Belgrade-based daily Blic, carried by Tanjug on Wednesday.

The daily said Kosovo Albanians would in that way infiltrate into the majority Serb part (of Kosovo).

A source from diplomatic circles in Pristina told Blic that KFOR has knowledge of these preparations and does not rule out the possibility of Kosovo institutions embarking on such an action.

Fight for Trepca (Kontakt plus radio)

The registration of Trepca as a public company is a matter of days according to Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj.

Haradinaj perceives Belgrade as an obstacle for that, while at the same time he offered to Serbs seats in Main Board of Trepca, and, as Kontakt plus radio reported, they refused it.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that they would continue to prevent any attempt of the Serbian property usurpation.

Trepca workers in fear, director Dimkic says they cannot participate in their own economic suicide (RTS,TV Most)

RTS reports that after the new Pristina's move, the workers of Trepca are worried about the future fate of this combine.

Management of Trepca North announced that they will not apply the legal measures of central institutions in Pristina on the new structure of the entire combine, because it would mean the shutting down of the company operated by Serbs.

Kosovo government became its majority owner by the new Law on Trepca. In Trepča North, say that their owner is the Republic of Serbia.

Vucic: Serbs from Kosovo requested a permission to leave all Kosovo institutions (N1, Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs, both from the south and from the north, asked from him
to leave all the Kosovo institutions and added that he asked them to wait for an answer for a maximum of 45 days, in order to have the opportunity to speak with the Chinese President and other world leaders.

Trepca: Between sufferance and arbitration (RTS, Radio Belgrade)

Majority of actions that Pristina can conduct against Trepca-North have already been experienced. Director Jovan Dimkic thinks the goal is to economically destroy the model according to which “Trepca” operates. He does not expect, however, physical violence, RTS reports.

Legal expert Dr. Dusko Celic opined that the international arbitration can be a solution if the shareholders file a complaint. If it would be done by the state of Serbia, it could prejudge Kosovo’s status, Celic warned in an interview to Radio Belgrade.