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Vucic and Kosovo Serbs discuss Pristina Government (Danas)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will meet today with the members of the Serbian list in the Kosovo Assembly. They will discuss whether the Serbian MPs should support the agreement of the opposition coalition bloc in which are the Democratic League of Kosovo of Isa Mustafa, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo of Ramush Haradinaj, the Initiative for Kosovo of Fatmir Limaj and the movement Self-determination of Albin Kurti.

Aleksandar Jablanović, president of the Serbian electoral list says that Serbian MPs will come to Belgrade in order to inform PM on the progress of talks on the formation of the Government of Kosovo and to receive the guidance on future actions. When asked whether they made decision to support opposition bloc, in which the Self-determination movement is, Jablanovic said that they have a proposal, but they will first inform PM about it.

Continuation of the inaugural session of the Kosovo Assembly is scheduled for tomorrow. The session was to be held last Friday, but was cancelled at the initiative of the Serbian List, which requested further consultations with Belgrade, because, as they explained, they do not want to allow the Self-determination movement to dictate the talks between Belgrade and Pristina and revise the Brussels agreement.