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Janjic: There is a risk of abuse of Serbs from the north (RTK2)

Political analyst Dusan Janjic believes that there is a risk of abuse of Serbs from northern Kosovo with the aim of tightening relations and abandonment of the Brussels agreement and its implementation.

Those familiar with Kosovo’s political circumstances have different perceptions of the event during the St. Vitus celebration on Gazimestan and incidents during the speech of the President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, to whom a part of the crowd derogatory chanted, calling him a traitor.

Mayor of Gracanica Branimir Stojanovic strongly condemned yesterday's incident during a speech of President Nikolic pointing that this St. Vitus day will be "a turning point for future slightly different organization".

"It is unfortunate that there are some Serbs who are not ready, on this very important day, to act in accordance with what is the general rule. This is a lesson and for everyone else who need to take care of order and security on that day, that some people do not get the opportunity to show their arrogance and insolence and ruin something such as this big and important day," says Stojanovic to RTK2.

The mayor added that President Nikolić in Gracanica was, "honoured in accordance with his authority and that the Serbs have shown that he is more than welcome."

Political analyst Dusan Janjic assesses an incident on Gazimestan as something that could not be foreseen and which is a result of increased political tensions in Serbia.

"The fact that the political demonstration occurred on St. Vitus Day, as a day and place should not have happened, says that extreme political groups do not want peace in Kosovo."

Janjic said for RTK2 that the gathered who booed President Nikolic came from Serbia and that this behaviour is a possible consequence of the announced reforms of the Serbian Government and he believes that behind it are some right-wing organizations in Serbia.

Shouts "traitor" and "You betrayed Kosovo", which are not heard only on Gazimestan but also in Cacak (town in Serbia proper), it is an organized movement supported by the organization "Obraz" and "Nasi".

Janjic believes that there is a risk of abuse of Serbs from northern Kosovo with the aim of intensifying relations and abandoning the Brussels agreement and its implementation.

"What I worry about is Brussels stance that agrees to lead the negotiations and an entire chapter as a secret. That part of the secrecy hinders politicians Nikolic and Vucic, as against them a story is being lead of conspiracy and betrayal," said Janjic.

Kosovo analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu for RTK2 said that the recently held Serbian elections showed that Serbian community in Kosovo supports the policy of SNS, led by Nikolic and Vucic, but that always there are dissatisfied ones.

"In every political move there are unsatisfied ones and this dissatisfaction probably comes from Nikolic's former party the SRS (Serbian Radical Party), or other parties which are political rivals and are using any place to oppose the policies pursued by Nikolic," said Spahiu.

Unlike Gazimestan where he was greeted with whistling, President Nikolic in Gracanica was greeted with applause where he laid a wreath at the monument of Milos Obilic, after a meeting with the Serbs’ representatives.