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Jevtic: Dissatisfaction over Petrovic’s self-will (KiM Radio)

Dalibor Jevtic told KiM radio that he and four other members of the SLS Main Board left because of dissatisfaction with the party work and self-will of Slobodan Petrovic.

Minister for Communities and Return in Kosovo's government and until recently the executive director of the Independent Liberal Party, Dalibor Jevtic, said that decision to leave the party was made ​​unanimously, after a meeting of the parliamentary committee in Strpce/Shterpce.

"For some time, we have been trying to change certain things within the party. We had several initiatives on the part of the SLS municipal board of Strpce/Shterpce with an aim to improve things in the party, so that party is in function of what it has been formed for, and of why we have gathered around it "Jevtic said.

He points out that dissatisfaction rules for a long time in the Independent Liberal Party and one man self-will.

"We wanted to highlight the fact that, without going into whether decisions are good or bad, there are bodies in the party which should jointly make decisions, and that one man makes all the decisions," explains Jevtic.

Asked whether after resigning from the SLS, its former members will form a new political party, Jevtic says that it is not known whether they will form a new party or they will join some other.

"Currently the most important is that three MPs from Strpce/Shterpce, who were until recently members of the SLS, will continue to support joint action of all MPs that will represent the interest of the Serbian community in the forthcoming session of the Assembly," concluded Jevtic.

